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Townsend's Warbler, Horned Grebe, etc.

During a UOS Conference field trip this morning (Sunday, Nov. 9), a male
Townsend's Warbler was seen along the Jordan River about 300 meters
north of where the river crosses Redwood Road just north of 1700 North
in Salt Lake City. The bird was with a mixed flock on the west side of
the river. A Prairie Falcon was also seen in this same area. At
Farmington Bay, 2 Horned Grebes were seen in the southwest corner of the
main pond, near the end of the west dike road. A Herring Gull was also
seen in the main pond, along with large numbers of most of the expected
species of waterfowl.

Good birding!


Mark Stackhouse
Westwings, Inc.
1432 Downington Ave.
Salt Lake City, UT 84105
tel./fax. (801) 487-9453


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