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     My family went camping in the Uintas for a quick trip up Sat. morning and back this morning.
      We saw some very nice birds.  Pine Grosbeaks were in the meadows around almost all lakes and campgrounds we visited.  I saw a Gray Jay on the Highland Trail at Mirror Lake about 9am Saturday.  Also on this trail between 8 and 11 I notable sightings were two different sightings of female Williamsons, a male half submerged in a pond taking a bath from a rock, Brown Creepers, Golden Crowned Kinglets, and a white winged crossbill.  
      I also saw another Gray jay in a campsite at Lily Lake campgraound about 6:15 this morning.  
      There was a large flcok of Black Rosy Finches on the saddle of Mt. Baldy as we climbed up about 7:15 this morning.  They were still active there as we came back about an hour later.  
      It was beautiful and much cooler than Salt Lake.  It was very birdy everywhere.
                                    Good Birding,
                                          Dana Green