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Tooele County, Horned Grebe, Cattle Egret

I spent the day birding Tooele County today. My first stop at James W. Fitzgerald was amazing. There were 21 species out swimming in the large resivoir. There was a Horned Grebe also Red Breasted Mergansers, Canvasbacks and winter ducks like Goldeneye and Bufflehead still hanging around. There were Willets, Black Necked Stilts, Avocets and Greater Yellowlegs there as well. I saw my first Lark Sparrows of the year in Skull Valley. At Rush Lake there was Marbled Godwits and a Cattle Egret out in the lake. There was a Swainsons Hawk in Erda. My first of the year. Also I stopped at Lee Kay ponds in Salt Lake County. There was many Bonapartes Gulls and Franklin Gulls with very pinkish breasts. Does anyone know why they have this pink on them? Also at Lee Kay Ponds there was a large flock of White Faced Ibis, also a first of a year. It was so great to spend the day and enjoy the birds. Very beautiful sight. I saw 70 species today.

KC Childs

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