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Black Scooter, Ferruginous Hawk, Peregrine, Merlin

I finally had some time off this week to do some birding.  I went down to Mona to find the Black Scooter, but I could find a way to get there all the roads had no trespassing signs, around 1130 I saw a Merlin on what was the entrance but I didn't know that. So I went to town to get directions and some more film.  As I was about to enter the dirt road I Ferruginous Hawk (Lifer) flew over my car and I watched it for a while.  I found the Black Scooter (Lifer) at 1220, 12 waterfowl, Pipits, Horned and Medow Larks. Then I spent the next two hours trying to get a good picture. 
On my way back to Salt Lake I stopped at the Provo Airport dike where I saw some chuckars on the road, Pied billed and Eared greebes, GBH, Harrier, a different looking Red-tailed it had a little of every race on it.  The Peregrine was on the airport 1.7 miles into the dike, it was sitting very close to the run way.  And also there were lots of squirrels out at the dike :).

Good to be out again
good birding
