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Birding- Juab, Sanpete, and Carbon Counties

Hi all,
KC and I went out birding this morning. Our first stop was at Chicken Creek Reservoir. We couldn't relocate the Tundra Swan and Barrows Goldeneye reported by James Lofthouse but the Reservoir was packed with waterfowl. We saw 15 species of waterfowl there plus an Eared grebe and a Say's Phoebe, I guess.(Long story. Don't ask.)
We then headed for Yuba State Park. On our way we saw another Say's Phoebe and a few miles north of the State Park on State Rout 28 we saw a flock of 15 Pinyon Jays. On the lake there was a DC Cormorant, a Bald Eagle, and a W/C Grebe.
Our next stop was at Wales Reservoir (Sanpete County) which was also full of waterfowl (14 Species). Other birds of interest at Wales Reservoir were Bonaparte's Gulls, Sandhill Crane(heard Only), and a large flock of Tree Swallows. Fresh spring arrivals. While still in Sanpete County we saw a Prairie form Merlin.
We then headed up Fairview Canyon, were we saw lots of Snowmobilers but no birds, to our last stop of the day at Scofield Reservoir. There was just a little open water but it was full of waterfowl(11 Species) and there were a couple Mt Bluebirds in the area.
We ended the day with about 45 species and lots of new additions to our county lists. It felt like winter again but there are signs of spring.
Good birding all.

Eric Huish Pleasant Grove UT poorwill_@hotmail.com 801-360-8777

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