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Harris's Sparrows in Midway

 Just before noon today Bob Huntington, Roberta Wherritt and I  finished our monthly GSL Audubon bird survey for Johnson Mill B&B in Midway, and decided to spend a half hour birding the nearby trail between the Provo River and the sewage treatment plant. At about 12:15 we spotted two 1st winter Harris's Sparrows feeding in the road/trail. They were about 30 feet away and let us watch them for at least 10 minutes. In fact, we had to leave before they did! These birds matched the Sibley discription/drawing for 1st winter birds. (red legs, pinkish bills, white belly with some striping along flanks, white throat with black necklace (spotty black triangle on chest appeared a little more solidly black than in drawing on at least one of the birds), plain gray rump, white edging to tertials . The sunlight was so good that we could even see lighter outer feathers on their tails.
What a great end to a beautiful morning of birding in a beautiful setting! This was a lifer for me. The morning had included Bald and Golden Eagles, Red-tailed Hawk, many chickadees singing their hearts out, and on the pond Ring-necked Ducks, Redheads, Common Goldeneyes, Buffleheads, Common Mergansers, Pied-billed Grebe, A. Coots,  Mallards (besides  the Mute Swans brought in by the owners ). Totalled 30 species.
Directions: Take route 40 to Heber City. Turn west on Highway 113 (Heber's 1st S) Drive until you cross the Provo River (1 mile??, I didn't check odometer) and a covered bridge built over a bike/jog trail. Turn S and park in fisherman's access area to the side of Sewage treatment plant. You squeeze through one of those U-turn gates to access the river and the trail. Walk about 1/4 - 1/2 mile to where trail curves sharply to west. There is a partially frozen small pond just beyond the birds on the right and power lines cross the trail just beyond the pond.
Hope someone else gets to see them. Let me know!
Deedee O'Brien, email or 801-272-8060