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Glaucous Gull, Winter Wren

Well, Eric Huish headed out on our weekly Saturday Trip. It was quite a nice day to do it as well. We first headed out to Tooele County. We stopped at James W. Fitzgerald WMA and it was frozen over. But we saw several Bald Eagles in the area, Canada Goose, Great Blue Heron and what liked two seperate Loggerhead Shrikes singing and setting up territory. In the area was a Rough Legged Hawk as well. We then drove into the town of Vernon in hopes of seeing Great Horned Owls. We got a really good look of a Great Horned Owl sitting out in a conifer across from LDS church in Vernon. There was another one behind it in the conifer as well. So two in one tree. I know they nested in the trees in the parking lot at the church last year. Wonder if it is the same pair. We then went up to Clover Springs. Here we saw two Juniper Titmice, Townsend Solitaires, and a WINTER WREN on the west end of the campground. It was hopping along the creek through there. was first seen near Water Cress ( the bright green plant sticking out of the water, think that is what it is called. ) then worked up east along the creek. Next we went up South Willow Canyon west of Grantsville. Here we got birds like Canyon Wren, Golden Crowned Kinglet, Red Breasted Nuthatch, Brown Creeper, Mountain Chickadee and Townsend Solitaire. Next we were off to Saltair in Salt Lake County. Right at the gift shop at Saltair was the Say's Phoebe. He was doing some flycatching and looking good. We searched the Gulls and only saw Herring and California Gulls here. We then went over to the Bountiful Dump and saw not a large number of Gulls. But there was Herring, California, Ring Billed and the bird of the day which was a Glaucous Gull. It was a life bird for me. It was a second year gull, and was easy to pick out. We then went to try the Salt Lake Cemetery and Liberty Park for nuthatches, we struck out at both places. It was late in the day and rather crowded with people. But we did see some commin winter birds at the cemetery. Overall a great day.

KC Childs

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