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Washington County Birds

Eric and I decided we would take today and go bird southern Utah. We woke up at 4:30 in the morning and headed down for the day. We first stopped at Red Cliffs to find the Golden-Crowned Sparrow. He was exactly where Junece said he would be. We ran into very helpful southern Utah birders here. Them being Rick Fridell, Steve Summers and his better half Priscella, and Larry Tripp. They were nice enough to show us around for awhile. They took us to the inflow of Quail Creek and showed us a SWAMP SPARROW. We had a great look at it. Next we looked out on the waters of Quail Creek Resivoir and saw a wide assortment of ducks, and 3 Horned Grebes, and Common Loons as well. Next they took us to a pond in Hurricane called Stratman Pond. I think that was what it was called. There at that was pond was some beautiful Hooded Mergansers, Canvasbacks and about 10+ GREATER SCAUP. That was a Utah Lifer for me. There were Lesser Scaup in the pond to compare them. They then took us to Sand Hollow Resivoir. I think that is what it is called as well. Here there were more ducks, two Double Crested Cormorants and a WHITE WINGED SCOTER. After all there great help Eric and I headed into St. George to bird. We first went to Red Hills Golf Course and saw the Common Moorhen on the pond there. What a fun bird. There was also some Black Phoebes there. Next we tried all the ponds on the golf courses. We got a wide assorment of ducks. Got almost all the common ducks of winter today. We got Pintail, Redheads, Wigeon and a lot of Ring Necked Ducks on the ponds on some of the courses. At Mathis Park we got a great look at a Ladder Backed Woodpecker. We then went and walked along on the Virgin River Parkway at the Santa  Clara Confluence. We saw two Roadrunners here. What fun birds. We then went out to Washington area to look for Doves. Mainly Inca and Eurasion. We struck out on both. But near the city hall, a couple blocks west we got 6 White Winged Doves. Also we saw some Say Phoebes in the Washington Fields area. Mourning Doves were in the area, but no other doves. It was a great day, besides the very snowy, rainy and stormy weather we had to drive through. Thanks again to the southern Utah birders for there help. It was nice to get a change of scenery and variety of birds.

KC Childs

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