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To all birders, especially those in Utah County:
This is to inform you that the annual fall John Tanner Lecture sponsored by the Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum will be presented by Dr. Clayton M. White, Professor and Curator of Ornithology at Brigham Young University. The presentation will be given on November 21 at 7:00 PM in the Tanner auditorium of the Museum. Lecture title is "To parts unknown: from the Arctic to the Tropics in search of the Peregrine Falcon". Dr. White has spent practically his whole academic life studying the Peregrine Falcon and is an excellent lecturer.
Also, on a different note. I will be making assignments and handing out folders for the upcoming Provo Christmas Bird Count at the Utah County Birders meeting November 20 at the same museum mentioned above. This will allow CBC participants to become familiar with their areas in plenty of time to scout out vagrants and to receive permission from land owners to access their property. If you are interested in helping with the count, and/or you have specific requests about where you want to be assigned, and who you want to go with, please be to the meeting so you can let me know. Thanks.
Merrill Webb


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