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Midway Fish Hatchery, Jordanelle BOR Site

The Midway Fish Hatchery has been closed since mid-2000, when whirling
disease was found.  The springs supplying the Hatchery are apparently
being contaminated by water seeping in from the Provo River (where the
disease was first found).  The Hatchery will remain closed until it can
be made disease-proof, which will cost several million dollars.  More
info can be found at www.udwrfes.org/provo.htm (DWR) or at
library.kcc.hawaii.edu/praise/news/eh152.htm (Deseret News).
The directions Jim McIntyre noted for getting to the Jordanelle Wetlands
BOR Mitigation Site were correct. This provides access from the north
end.   Access is also available at the south end of the mitagation area
-- rather than going to the end of the road, go about halfway (1 mile),
and turn left on the dirt road.  This goes a couple hundred feet to a
parking lot with a restroom.  (Least Flycatcher and Rose-breasted
Grosbeak have been seen here in recent years.)  From here the south end
of the wetlands boardwalk/trail can be accessed, as well as the old dirt
road that parallels the river.  These directions can also be found at
www.utahbirds.org by accessing the Places to Bird: County Pages link, and
looking at "Provo River Restoration Project" in the Wasatch County list.

Hope this info helps,
Joel Beyer