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Re: [birdnet] Question about Cuckoos


I am the state sensitive species biologist for the northern region.  My position started about a month ago and one of the species our non-game program is focusing on is the cuckoo.  Presently there is very little data available on the species' distribution for the state.  During the next couple of weeks I will be getting out to as many riparian areas with intact cottonwood stands as I can and use callback tapes to note presence or absence.  The YBCU is a very secretive bird and is not known to call frequently unless instigated, making it difficult to reliably survey without the use of call backs.  The literature reports cuckoo habitat to be mature stands of cottonwood with a dense understory intact.  Stand size should exceed 100m in diameter (a rarer and rarer commodity here in northern Utah).  Interesting research in the augmented insect populations of hybrid cottonwood stands also bears looking into as it relates to cuckoos.  In short, there are more questions than answers.   

I too will be watching with interest the responses to your posting.  I have had excellent experiences in working with the Utah community of birders.  There collective knowledge is a great resource.


Adam Kozlowski
Native Species Biologist
Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, Northern Region
515 East 5300 South, Ogden UT  84055
Office:  (801) 476-2740
Cell:  (801) 510-2034
email: adamkozlowski@utah.gov

>>> "TROY D PARKIN" <PAR01018@byui.edu> 06/18/02 01:28PM >>>
Hello, My name is Troy Parkin. I'm kind of new to the net but have been watching everybodies enteries for the last couple of months. I just received a job oppertunity in Idaho studing yellow-billed cuckoos. I'm trying to get to know the bird and its behavior better and was wondering if anyone knew a regular area to look for them. Sure appreciate any help. Thanks Troy                 par01018@byui.edu 


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