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Re: [birdnet] American Redstart

As of 9:00 this morning (6/15) the Redstart is in the exact same place it
has been reported for the past week.  Thanks everyone for the excellent
Other notable sightings we made at the Heber BOR Mitigation site today
include (in no particular order):
American Dippers; Cassin's, Plumbeous, and Warbling Vireos; Wood Pewees;
Townsend's Solitaire; Common Yellowthroat (who posed on top of some cattails
and gave us fantastic looks!); and Sandhill Crane.
Alan and Ann Miller showed us a Plumbeous Vireo nest and we were able to
watch the parents bring food to the near fledged youngsters.  We were
undecided as to whether one of the youngsters was in fact a Brown Headed
Cowbird or not.
What a great time of the year to be out birding!!  Come to think about it,
ANYTIME is a GREAT time to be out birding!!!

Bruce and Lynn