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Re: [birdnet] American Redstart

Quoting gbarlow@aros.net:

> Went to see the American Redstart early this morning at the Jordonelle 
> Wetlands, south of the Jordanelle Dam.  Met with Pomera Fronce.
> We followed the directions precisely.
> By 8 a.m., after being on site for 5 minutes, we got a great look at this 
> bird!  Even after we ventured further south for a few minutes and then came 
> back, we were able to locate it. It seemed "ever-present" at this location.
> We 
> got great looks at this lovely bird.  I have only one thing to add to the 
> directions.  Just walk 10 feet south of the survey stake with the blue/white
> plastic ribbon attached.  Turn and face the river (west), then wait.  You 
> should not have long to wait.  We saw it best when it was about 20-30 feet 
> (guesstimate) up in the dead tree branches.
> We also saw the Osprey that were in the vicinity.  couldn't tell if they were
> nesting in the platform nest that is between the campground and the dam, on
> the 
> right side of the road.
> There were many Cedar Waxwing here and further south at the Jordanelle
> Wetlands 
> parking area.
> We saw a Belted Kingfisher fly over and an active Western Wood Peewee.  Also
> observed were the usual Red-winged Blackbirds, Yellow-headed Blackbirds,
> Yellow 
> Warblers, Hair Woodpecker, Song Sparrows and numerous kind of swallows. 
> Again, 
> the Cedar Waxwings were very numerous in this location.  They allowed us to 
> approach quite closely!  We found a Tree Swallow nest also at this location. 
> It was in a branch hanging over the road, about 30-40 feet east of the river
> bridge.  However, no Dippers.
> Great time!  Lovely place to bird.  
> Glenn
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