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stansbury island

I just spent the last 2 1/2 weeks camped out on Stansbury Island in the Great 
Salt Lake as I did some small mammal trapping.  While there I tried to always 
keep my binoculars handy and I was surprised at some of the species that are 
out there.  The Lark sparrow, and Cassin's kingbird were lifers for me.  All of 
these can be seen if you park at the mountain bike trailhead and start hiking 
up the hill to the East.

Raven (found nest with young)
Poorwills (heard)
mourning dove 
McGillivrays warbler
Cassin's Kingbird
Lark sparrow
Rock wren
Brown-headed cowbird
Northern mockingbird
House Finch
Western Meadowlark
Canyon Wren
Say's Phoebe (?)
Ash-throated Flycatcher
Western Tanager (male)
Green-tailed Towhee
Red-tailed hawk
Coopers hawk (?)
Chipping sparrow
Black-throated sparrow
Black-throated Gray Warbler
Common Nighthawk
Barn swallow

Happy Birding
Quinn Shurtliff