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Northern Parula, etc

This morning at about 10:00 am I saw a Northern parula
at the mouth of the spanish fork river.  From the end of river
road follow the trees to the right along the beach about 50 yards.
There is a good bunch of yellow and yellow-rumped warblers there as 
well.  The parula was easy to locate by it's call.

>From the tower at the end of Swede's lane I saw about 25 Black Terns
this morning also.

I tried to post a bunch of shorebirds that my dad & I saw along the S.E.
corner of the airport dike on Friday, but apparently my email didn't go 
through.  There were Black-bellied, Snow, & Semi-palmated Plovers
and 1 Stilt Sandpiper mixed in with a couple hundred dowitchers.

Bryan Shirley

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