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re: The South Shall Rise Again!!

Well, I don't mean to brag, Mr Hunter, but this long-toothed woman up north 
headed on over to Antelope Island yesterday and saw sanderling to beat the band 
and they were mixing it up with a bunch of western sandpipers (and they all 
seemed to be listening to their own kind of music).
At Garr ranch there was a black-headed grosbeak leading a chorus of 
McGillivray's warblers, lazuli buntings, lark sparrows, yellow-rumped warblers, 
Wilson's warblers, swarms of ruby-crowned kinglets, yellow-warblers, Brewer's 
blackbirds, starlings, meadowlarks, kestrel, horned larks, magpies, hermit 
thrush, Cordilleran flycatchers, yellow-headed blackbirds, red-winged 
blackbirds, etc., etc.
Also on the island and causeway were willets, a (very) solitary sandpiper, 
avocets, black-necked stilts, eared grebe, mallards, horned grebe, great blue 
heron, loggerhead shrike, cowbird, rock wren, chukar, white-faced ibis, Canada 
goose, every kind of swallow imaginable, pelican, and a bird of prey (might 
have been the resident prairie falcon).
At Farmington Bay there were cormorant, western kingbirds, killdeer, pie-billed 
grebe, coot, cinnamon teal, and snowy egret (along with some of the birds 
mentioned on Antelope Island).
The day was beautiful and when you turn of your car on that magnificent island 
and just listen, most of the time you just hear the wind and few birds 
chirping.  What a great place to relax!  Reminds me of wonderful places in 
Southern Utah.
Carol Davis