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Provo is great

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I went to Provo today, to go to the Airport Dike.  As usual I got lost in 
Utah County.  But I finally got there. I saw 9 lifers, finally a Blue-winged 
Teal.  Lots of Cormorants, Dowitchers, and Pelicans.  The Great Egret still 
present.  No Sparrows.  Green-tailed towhee in the River parkway at the end 
of Center Street.  I also saw some baby Killdeer they are adorable.
Wilson's Warbler (along the river parkway)
Black-throated Gray Warbler (along the river parkway)
Long-billed Dowitcher
Blue-winged Teal
Wilson's Phalarope
Eastern Kingbird
Blue-gray Gnatcher
Virginia Rail


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<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><FONT  COLOR="#008000" SIZE=4 FAMILY="SERIF" FACE="Times New Roman" LANG="0">I went to Provo today, to go to the Airport Dike.&nbsp; As usual I got lost in Utah County.&nbsp; But I finally got there. I saw 9 lifers, finally a Blue-winged Teal.&nbsp; Lots of Cormorants, Dowitchers, and Pelicans.&nbsp; The Great Egret still present.&nbsp; No Sparrows.&nbsp; Green-tailed towhee in the River parkway at the end of Center Street.&nbsp; I also saw some baby Killdeer they are adorable.<BR>
Wilson's Warbler (along the river parkway)<BR>
Black-throated Gray Warbler (along the river parkway)<BR>
Long-billed Dowitcher<BR>
Blue-winged Teal<BR>
Wilson's Phalarope<BR>
Eastern Kingbird<BR>
Blue-gray Gnatcher<BR>
Virginia Rail<BR>

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