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Blue Winged Teal

Hi All

I went out to Glover Lane Pond in Farmington again late yesterday afternoon and this time saw 3 pair of Blue Winged Teal and a single female where I saw the pair last week 5 in all. A pair of Red Breasted Mergansers and the usual variety of nice ducks, willets and avocets.

I also had several beautiful full summer plumage American Goldfinches at my backyard feeder as well as several white crowned sparrows and my first ever cassins finch, I'm still seeing at least 2 Harris's Sparrows at my feeder occasionally during the week.

Took a trip up to Rock Cliff Campground at Jordanelle State Park on Saturday it was snowing quite hard but saw some good birds. A Hermit Thrush, Flickers, Sharp Shinned Hawks, Kestrels, a flock of White Faced Ibis flew over, Canada Geese, we heard some Sandhill Cranes but I didn't see them, Black Capped Chickadees, White Crowned Sparrows, Cassins Finches, and a first for me were many gray headed dark eyed juncos.

Happy Birding Steve