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Utah lake

Hi birders,
I took a trip around the airport dike at Utah Lake yesterday.  It was a perfect 
day for birding and it was great to see the activity going on.  I also took a 
walk down the path west of the campground area.  I saw about 36 species, which 
included a couple of new lifers for myself.  Some of the fun ones are listed 
snowy egrets 
black-crowned night herons
Cinn. teal
black-necked stilts
white faced ibis
pied-billed grebe
common and red-breasted merganser (latter is a lifer)
violet green and barn swallow
turkey vulture
Northern harrier
yellow-rumped warbler

This bad weather is a blessing since I have to be indoors till finals are 
over.  Hope it continues for a week.

Quinn Shurtliff