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Redpolls in Mantua

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Went to Mantua this afternoon (1/14) to give myself a birthday present.  =
I arrived about 2:30 and met Pomera Fronce as she was traveling south on =
Main Street.  Right away I knew my luck was going to change.  We parked =
our vehicles near the corner of 100 South and Main Street and started =
walking north.  When we got to Center Street Pomera went ahead and =
turned left toward 100 West.  Between Main and 100 West there is a =
driveway that goes south, behind a house with the address of 25 South =
100 West.  In some birch trees just south of the rear of that house and =
west of the driveways we saw a flock of about 25 Common Redpolls.  =
Success at last!  A life bird for both of us.  Pomera had her camera and =
was able to get quite close to a small group in one of the trees.  We =
were both ecstatic!  Successful day!

Question.  Did anyone think that there might be a Hoary Redpoll included =
in the flock of Commons?  It looked to us that at least one had a very =
white breast that did not have the streaking that is shown in the NGS =
picture of the female Common.  I know that Donna Thorum raised a =
question about it.  Has anyone else thought the same?  Just wondering.

Just recently put out a nylon sock filled with nyjer seed.  Did not =
realize what a magnet this would be for American Goldfinches.  Yesterday =
morning I had both Goldfinches and Pine Siskins feeding at it.  So, =
bought another one today at the Layton WildBird Center!  Also had BC =
Chickadees and House Finches at my feeders.  (I only feed B.O. =
Sunflower.)  I did put some extra crunchy peanut butter on the pine tree =
branches, but only got an almost never present Starling.=20

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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Went to Mantua this afternoon (1/14) to =
give myself=20
a birthday present.&nbsp; I arrived about 2:30 and met Pomera Fronce as =
she was=20
traveling south on Main Street.&nbsp; Right away I knew my luck was =
going to=20
change.&nbsp; We parked our vehicles near the corner of 100 South and =
Street and started walking north.&nbsp; When we got to Center Street =
Pomera went=20
ahead and turned left toward 100 West.&nbsp; Between Main and 100 West =
there is=20
a driveway that goes south, behind a house with the address of 25 South =
West.&nbsp; In some birch trees just south of the rear of that house and =
west of=20
the driveways we saw a flock of about 25 Common Redpolls.&nbsp; Success =
last!&nbsp; A life bird for both of us.&nbsp; Pomera had her camera and =
was able=20
to get quite close to a small group in one of the trees.&nbsp; We were =
ecstatic!&nbsp; Successful day!</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Question.&nbsp; Did anyone think that =
there might=20
be a Hoary Redpoll included in the flock of Commons?&nbsp; It looked to =
us that=20
at least one had a very white breast that did not have the streaking =
that is=20
shown in the NGS picture of the female Common.&nbsp; I know that Donna =
raised a question about it.&nbsp; Has anyone else thought the =
same?&nbsp; Just=20
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Just recently put out a nylon sock =
filled with=20
nyjer seed.&nbsp; Did not realize what a magnet this would be for =
Goldfinches.&nbsp; Yesterday morning I had both Goldfinches and Pine =
feeding&nbsp;at it.&nbsp; So, bought another one today at the Layton =
Center!&nbsp; Also had BC Chickadees and House Finches at my =
feeders.&nbsp; (I=20
only feed B.O. Sunflower.)&nbsp; I did put some extra crunchy peanut =
butter on=20
the pine tree branches, but only got an almost never present=20

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