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Utah Bird Report for 01/08/02

- - RBA
* Statewide
* January 8, 2002
* UTAH0801.02

- - Birds mentioned:

Trumpeter Swan                      	Box Elder Co.
Surf Scoter                             Davis Co.
White-winged Scoter                     Washington Co.
Hooded Merganser                  	Box Elder Co.
Thayer's Gull				Salt Lake Co.
Glaucous-winged Gull                    Davis Co.
Northern Pygmy-Owl			Cache Co., Salt Lake Co.
Juniper Titmouse			Salt Lake Co., Utah Co.
Winter Wren                		Utah Co.
Bohemian Waxwing			Box Elder Co.
American Tree Sparrow                   Box Elder Co., Salt Lake Co.
White-throated Sparrow			Cache Co.
Harris's Sparrow			Cache Co., Davis Co.
Golden-crowned Sparrow			Washington Co.
"White-winged" Dark-eyed Junco		Cache Co.
Lapland Longspur                	Box Elder Co.
Snow Bunting                            Davis Co.
COMMON REDPOLL                          Box Elder Co., Salt Lake Co.

- - transcript

Utah Birdline
(801) 538-4730
Compiler: Mark Stackhouse
Transcriber: Mark Stackhouse


The COMMON REDPOLLS, which were seen in Mantua on 01/01, have been seen many times since then
(v.o.), with as many 70 being reported in the flock, though numbers vary widely between reports.
The most recent sighting reported is from Sunday, 01/06.

A LAPLAND LONGSPUR was seen at the Golden Spike NHM west of Corrine on Saturday, 01/05 (GW,SW).

A flock of 12 AMERICAN TREE SPARROWS was seen along the road to BRMBR on Sunday, 01/06 (MJ).
They were about 5 miles from I-15.

Two female HOODED MERGANSERS were seen at Mahuer's Pond in Brigham City on Sunday 01/06 (MJ).
Mahuer's Pond is located on the east side of town just below the mouth of Sardine Canyon.

A family group of TRUMPETER SWANS was seen at a farm pond north of Deweyville on Thursday, 01/03
(B&DS). There were 2 adults and 3 immatures in the group. The pond was at MM 8 along SR 38 north
of town.

BOHEMIAN WAXWINGS were reported from Mantua on Saturday, 01/05 (KC) and Sunday 01/06 (SC).


On the west side of Mendon, a WHITE-THROATED SPARROW and up to two HARRIS'S SPARROWS were
reported from Thursday, 01/03 (BA), and Friday, 01/04 (RR). A "WHITE-WINGED" DARK-EYED JUNCO was
seen at the same location on Friday, 01/04 (RR). This may be the first record of this form of
Dark-eyed Junco in Utah.

A NORTHERN PYGMY-OWL was seen along the trail north of the Logan GC on Tuesday, 01/01 (RR).


Along the AIC, a female SURF SCOTER continues to be seen, with a recent report from Thursday,
01/03 (B&DS). Also, a SNOW BUNTING is being seen sporadically, with a report from Sunday, 01/06 (CD).

A HARRIS'S SPARROW has been visiting a feeder in Woods Cross since Saturday, 01/05 (SC).


Two COMMON REDPOLLS were seen in the Salt Lake City Cemetery on Saturday, 01/05 (DJ). They were
at the north end of the cemetery along 11th Avenue across from the mausoleum.

Also in the Salt Lake City Cemetery on Saturday, 01/05, were two JUNIPER TITMICE, seen in the
southeast corner of the cemetery, and a NORTHERN PYGMY-OWL, seen near the 7th Avenue entrance,
in the tall trees between the tennis courts and the cemetery (DJ).

Just northeast of the marina at Saltair, a first-winter GLAUCOUS-WINGED GULL  and THAYER'S GULLS
were seen on Wednesday, 01/02 (CN).

About 5-6 AMERICAN TREE SPARROWS were seen along the JRP at about 12500 South on Friday, 01/04 (SW).


A WINTER WREN continues to be seen along the Provo River Parkway trail in Provo Canyon, at the
Canyon Glen Picnic Area, with a report from Wednesday, 01/03 (KC).

JUNIPER TITMICE were seen in the Provo Cemetery on Monday, 01/07 (KS).


A BLACK-LEGGED KITTIWAKE was seen at Ivins Reservoir, west of Santa Clara, on Wednesday, 01/03
(BS). It was seen again and photographed on Saturday, 01/05 (RF,P&SS). The bird has not been
seen since Saturday. This is the second confirmed record of Black-legged Kittiwake in Utah.

A WHITE-WINGED SCOTER continued to be seen at Quail Creek Reservoir with reports from Thursday,
01/04 (RF,KW) and Sunday, 01/06 (MS,DW,LW).

An adult GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW was seen at the Red Cliffs Recreation Area near Leeds on
Thursday, 01/04 (RF,KW).

Observers: BA=Bob Atwood, KC=K.C. Childs, SC=Steve Coleman, CD=Carol Davis, RF=Rick Fridell,
DJ=David Jensen, MJ=Mike Johnson, CN=Colby Neuman, RR=Ron Ryel, B&DS=Bryan & Dennis Shirley,
BS=Bob Showler, MS=Mark Stackhouse, KS=Kay Stone, P&SS=Priscilla & Steve Summers, GW=Gale
Westerman, SW=Sid Westerman, DW=David Wheeler, KW=Kevin Wheeler, LW=Larene Wyss

Abbreviations used:

AIC = Antelope Island Causeway
BRMBR = Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge
GC = golf course
JRP = Jordan River Parkway
MM = mile marker
NHM = National Historical Monument
SR = State Route
v.o. = various observers

- - end transcript

Please report your sightings by calling the Utah Birdline at:

(801) 538-4730

or by e-mail to westwings@sisna.com

You may e-mail questions and comments to westwings@sisna.com or you may call (801) 487-9453.

Mark Stackhouse
Westwings, Inc.
1432 Downington Ave.
Salt Lake City, UT 84105
(801) 487-9453