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Garr Ranch

Four UCBirders visited the ranch on Antelope Island today (Fri 8.31.01)
in search of the waterthrush, the red-eyed vireo and a possible
Philadelphia vireo that Bryan Shirley saw there Thursday morning. We were
treated to continuous displays of three American redstarts (two females
and a first year male) fluttering in the canopy. The waterthrush was
cooperative and beautiful, the red-eyed vireo less so. I got a brief look
and Dennis saw it better in the cottonwoods east of the ranch house. 
Three of us: Lois, Milton and I saw a vireo that fit the discription for
a Philadelphia, with a lot of yellow on the breast, belly and undertail,
white supercilium, and dark eyestripe. Our expert wittness Dennis was on
the other side of the bushes and didn't wittness the bird that was in the
middle of the wooded area next to the muddy wet spot ( waterthrush place)
in the bushes with red berries. We had good looks but can't quite swear
to it.
If you are going to the ranch over the weekend, look for this bird to
give your opinion and verify, because it would be a "first in the state"
record. Take pictures!
Good birding   ~   Tuula

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