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Farmington Birds

It was a foggy morning at Farmington Bay this morning (12/29) for the Audubon 
field trip but not so foggy that we couldn't see clearly several Tree 
Swallows, 3 LONGBILLED DOWITCHERS, and 2 Snipe in addition to the usual 
fare--- all seen walking (i.e., our group) along the dike south of the gate 
at the end of the open dike road.  Because of the fog and ice we saw, hold 
your breath, ONE duck! Period, for ducks.  However, later in the PM along the 
causeway we saw plenty of Common Goldeneyes and the usual smattering of other 
ducks. Just east of the entrance station at the causeway there was a Great 
Horned Owl sitting on a horizontal beam in splendid isolation at the front of 
a barn on the north side of the road apparently monitoring traffic on the 
road all afternoon..at least it was there for our going to and coming from 
the island.   
Happy New Year!      Hugh Gillilan

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