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Good birds

This morning 12/28/00, around 8:00, AM  I spotted a perigrene falcon on
the Provo Airport dike.  It was just west of the south extension perched
in a small tree.  Later I met Robin and Julie Tuck up South Fork of Provo
Canyon, I saw elk and deer, no special birds.  I continued up through the
fog to Charleston and on to Wasatch Mt. State Park where I saw ring
necked ducks, green winged teel, malards and gadwall.  I went north from
the pond by  the headquarters building to the stop sign and truned to the
right (south) and just at the beginning of the little hill I spotted a
northern pigmy owl being mobbed by chickadees.   What a find.  On the way
home just west of the Charleston turn off I spotted 8 tundra swan on the
reservoir.   I was home by 12:30 PM.
Happy New Year
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