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Washington County birds

Marilyn, Charlie, Mark, Mary, Merril, Melanie and others doing Washington
County CBC's,

I will be spending a chilly Christmas with my parents in Kansas, and will
again miss the bird counts.  However, I thought I might pass along a few
birds to keep an eye out for on the St. George and the Silver Reef counts.

Black-and-white Warbler:  is still at Mathis Park as of 12/21.
Common Yellowthroat:  Female has been at Tonaquint Park the last few weeks
Hermit Thrush: One at Red Cliffs RA on the 17th, and another at lower
LaVerkin Creek around the ponds for the last several weeks (also 5-8 Wood
Ducks at Lower LV Creek)
Bald Eagle:  Adult hanging around Quail Lake, often perching on cliffs on
opposite side of Lake
Greater Scaup:  Pair at Stratton Pond
Red-naped Sapsuckers and Rufous-crowned Sparrow: at Snow Canyon Campground
(RCSP- near first parking lot south of campground).
Black-crowned Night-Heron:  several at Riverside Marsh.

Best of luck to you all during the counts. I hope you have a great time and
a very Merry Christmas.


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