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Red Crossbills etc.

My son, David, and I observed a flock of about 20 Red Crossbills, a Mountain 
Chickadee, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Black-capped Chickadee, and Brown Creeper 
all in a couple of pine trees just north of the amusement rides in Liberty 
Park about noon today Mon. (12/27) The plentiful pine cones must be at just 
the right stage for the birds mentioned. A Coopers Hawk was also monitoring 
the Aviary from atop the tall pole on the south side of the aviary. The usual 
Mallards, California and Ringed-bill Gulls were plentiful on the remnant of 
the "lake" and were eagerly devouring bread pieces provided by a woman still 
in the holiday spirit of sharing. Happy birding, Hugh Gillilan
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