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Utah Bird Report for 11/26/00

- - RBA
* Statewide
* November 26, 2000
* UTAH0011.26

- - Birds mentioned:

Common Loon                     Summit Co.
American White Pelican          Washington Co.
Wood Duck                       Salt Lake Co.
EURASIAN WIGEON                 Utah Co.
Oldsquaw (Long-tailed Duck)     Box Elder Co., Davis Co.
Barrow's Goldeneye              Davis Co.
Hooded Merganser                Cache Co.
Marbled Godwit                  Box Elder Co.
Bonaparte's Gull                Box Elder Co.
Herring Gull                    Davis Co.
Thayer's Gull                   Davis Co., Utah Co.
Northern Pygmy-Owl              Utah Co.
Winter Wren                     Washington Co.
VARIED THRUSH                   Weber Co.
Townsend's Warbler              Utah Co.
Black-and-white Warbler         Washington Co.
American Tree Sparrow           Salt Lake Co.
Harris's Sparrow                Davis Co., Salt Lake Co.
Lapland Longspur                Davis Co., Iron Co.
Red Crossbill                   Utah Co.

- - transcript

Utah Birdline
(801) 538-4730
Compiler: Mark Stackhouse
Transcriber: Mark Stackhouse


At BRMBR, a female OLDSQUAW (Long-tailed Duck) was seen on the Bear River
near the refuge entrance on Wednesday, 11/22 (TS). It was seen again at the
same location on Friday, 11/24 (CW).

Other birds seen this week at BRMBR included several MARBLED GODWITS along
the east dike road, and many BONAPARTE'S GULLS along the river near the
entrance, both reports from Monday, 11/20 (DP).


Two female and one male HOODED MERGANSERS were seen on the pond at first
dam, at the mouth of Logan Canyon, on Saturday, 11/25 (CG).


A HARRIS'S SPARROW was seen at Antelope Island SP on Sunday, 11/19 (J&KB).
It was near the small parking area just past Ladyfinger Point, which is the
second parking area encountered as you drive counter-clockwise around the
north end of the island. A HARRIS'S SPARROW was also seen at the feeder at
the visitor's center on Tuesday, 11/21 (DS).

Along the AIC, an OLDSQUAW (Long-tailed Duck) and a BARROW'S GOLDENEYE were
seen near the second bridge on Tuesday, 11/21 (DS).

The LAPLAND LONGSPUR, which has been seen near the south end of the west
dike road at FBWMA, was last reported on Sunday, 11/19 (DG,LL).

At the West Bountiful Landfill, just south of FBWMA, numerous HERRING and
THAYER'S GULLS of all ages were seen on Wednesday, 11/23 (M&SS).


A LAPLAND LONGSPUR was seen along Quichapa Lake Road, southwest of Cedar
City, on Sunday, 11/19 (SSu). To get there, take SR 56 west from Cedar City
for about 8 miles to Quichapa Lake Road, turning south on this road for
about 2 miles to where the bird was seen.


An immature HARRIS'S SPARROW was seen along the JRP on Monday, 11/20
(M&SS). The bird was seen in the brush along the trail about 100 yds. south
of the trailhead parking area on the south side of 126th South.

AMERICAN TREE SPARROWS continue to be seen along the southwest shore of
Decker Lake, as of Thursday, 11/23 (JH).

A pair of WOOD DUCKS was seen in the Millcreek area on Tuesday, 11/21 (MA).


Two COMMON LOONS were seen on the last of the open water at Rockport
Reservoir on Thursday, 11/23 (KM).


The East Bay GC in Provo produced sightings of two good birds in recent
days. A GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE was seen there on Sunday, 11/26 (DS),
and a EURASIAN WIGEON was seen on Thursday, 11/23 (J&RT). Both birds were
seen near the south end of the pond which runs along the east side of the
GC, near the Franklin-Covey Warehouse, and near a small, wooded island
where Black-crowned Night-Herons roost.

At the Provo City Cemetary, a flock of RED CROSSBILLS continues to be seen,
with sightings on Saturday, 11/18 (LR) and on Sunday, 11/19 (DG,KL,LL,JVM).
A TOWNSEND'S WARBLER was also seen there on Sunday, 11/19 (DG,KL,LL,JVM).

A THAYER'S GULL was seen at Utah Lake SP on Sunday, 11/19 (DG,KL,LL,JVM).

A NORTHERN PYGMY-OWL was seen in Diamond Fork Canyon on Thursday, 11/23
(DS). The bird was in the cottonwoods to the right of the road about 0.7
miles into the canyon.


At Mathis Park, along the Santa Clara River in the southwest part of St.
George, a female BLACK-AND-WHITE WARBLER was seen on Thursday, 11/23. A
WINTER WREN was also seen there on the same day (RF).

An AMERICAN WHITE PELICAN was seen on a pond at Southgate GC in St. George
on Wednesday, 11/22 (KC,BS). The pond where it was seen is about 1/4 mile
east of the parking lot.


A VARIED THRUSH was seen at the Ogden Nature Center on Friday, 11/25 (CR).
The bird was along the trail which runs next to the Plain City Canal.

This concludes the Utah Bird Report for Sunday, November 26, 2000.

Observers: MA=Martin Allred, K&JB=Kathy & Joel Beyer, KC=Kristie
Carmichael, RF=Rick Fridell, DG=Dana Green, CG=Carol Gwynn, JH=Jack Holley,
KL=Kent Lewis, LL=Letitia Lussier, KM=Kay Millar, DP=Don Paul, CR=Cal
Robbins, LR=Leena Rogers, TS=Terry Sadler, DS=Dennis Shirley, BS=Bob
Showler, M&SS=Mark & Sean Stackhouse, SSu=Steve Summers, J&RT=Julie & Robin
Tuck, JVM=Julie VanMoorhem, CW=Cliff Weisse

Abbreviations used:

AIC = Antelope Island Causeway
BRMBR = Bear River Migratory Bird refuge
FBWMA = Farmington Bay Waterfowl Management Area
JRP = Jordan River Parkway
GC = golf course
SP = State Park
SR = State Route

- - end transcript

Please report your sightings by calling the Utah Birdline at:

(801) 538-4730

or by e-mail to westwings@sisna.com

You may e-mail questions and comments to westwings@sisna.com or you may
call (801) 487-9453.

Mark Stackhouse
Westwings, Inc.
1432 Downington Ave.
Salt Lake City, UT 84105
(801) 487-9453

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