Hotline Photos
The Jensen Mystery Bird Here are some photos sent in by Clay Johnson of the "mystery" bird seen in Jensen. You can help with the ID by sending your comments to the BirdTalk list serve or to the webmaster. Here are the suggestions received so far (Scarlet Tanager and Summer Tanager have both received two "votes -- [number of votes in brackets]."): Scarlet Tanager [2] Here's part of Clay Johnson's original email with some details which should help: ¨Some additional information gleaned from watching
the bird/s through binoculars: The bird is bigger than a house finch and
smaller than a robin (elderberry leaves in the photos vary from 4-6" in
length). Color rendition in the photos is pretty true, but my impression
through the binoculars was that the underside was clearly yellow rather
than gray, clear to the vent, and the underside of the tail was grayish
brown. Head/back were greenish to greenish-gray, wings brown with no sign
of wing bars. The eye was dark (brown?) and there appeared to be a very
slight, possibly broken, eye ring. The heavy, slightly drooping bill was
bicolor, yellowish lower mandible with all or mostly dark upper mandible.
The head appeared to be quite flat, so the overall impression of the head
and bill was sort of grackle-like (except for the colors).¨ |
Original Photos by Clay Johnson | Enlargement |
Photos by Clay Johnson |