Thursday, 6 May 2009
Sand Hollow State Park
Washington County, Utah
(Emails from Rick Fridell, 6 May 2009)
Subject: Possible Garganey at Sand Hollow SP 5/6
This morning I observed two possible female Garganey at Sand Hollow
State Park, Washington Co., UT. The birds were with a small flock of
Cinnamon Teal (around 8-10) foraging in the shallow cattail areas along
the east edge of Sand Hollow Reservoir. The birds were easily spooked and
the flock moved often. After the initial sighting, Kevin Wheeler arrived
and we spent about an hour searching for them without luck. We never saw
them leave the area, so we suspect they are still in the cattails
somewhere along the eastern edge. Kevin is planning on going back and
looking again this afternoon.
Because the ducks were so flighty, I could only manage a few long distance
photos, and although they were taken from a great distance, I believe they
capture the wing pattern. I'll try attaching a couple small photos. I
probably won't have email access again until tomorrow, but I may have some
other images and I'll try sending Milt a few to post tomorrow or Friday.
Rick Fridell
Hurricane, UT
by Rick Fridell