Bird Nests and Nesting Schemes

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Nesting in Secluded Places

Instead of building an actual nest, some birds choose a secluded location where they can safely lay their eggs and raise their young. Some falcons and other raptors choose isolated ledges or small caves in a cliff as nesting sites. The shape of their eggs may play a part in some instances. The  Common Murre, Thick-billed Murre and Razorbill, choose narrow ledges, where they lay very pointed eggs which will roll in a circle instead of rolling of the ledge.

Elsewhere around the world other species of birds choose out-of-the-way places instead of actual nests to provide a safe environment to create offspring.  Some penguins of the southern hemisphere, will huddle in large groups in very cold, remote places and hold their eggs on top of their feet under a fold of belly skin to provide enough warmth to hatch the eggs.

Peregrine Falcons do not build their own nests but use remote ledges and small caves in cliffs and  bluffs and will also use nest of other birds, usually of eagles, hawks and ravens.

  Remote , by John Crawley    ŠJohn Crawley

They lay from 2 to 6 eggs, but usually 3 or 4 and incubate them for 28 or 29 day.  Young birds will fly after 35 to 42 days after hatching.

  Young fast-growing Peregrine, by John Crawley    ŠJohn Crawley

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