Submitted by Pomera Fronce
who received it from Steve Carr
who got it from...
Aberdeen, Scotland
Subject: a
seagull walks into a shop......
From the BMAF's birdman--

A seagull in
Scotland has developed the habit of stealing
chips from a neighborhood shop.
The seagull waits until the shopkeeper isn't looking,
and then walks into the store and grabs a snack-size
bag of cheese Doritos.
Once outside, the bag gets ripped open and shared by
other birds.
The seagull's shoplifting started early this month
when he first swooped into the store in
Aberdeen, Scotland, and helped himself to a bag
of chips. Since then, he's become a regular. He always
takes the same type of chips.
Customers have begun paying for the seagull's stolen
bags of chips because they think it's so funny.