Jacob Hamblin Home

The Jacob Hamblin Home     by Oliver Hansen    ©Oliver Hansen

~ submitted by Marilyn Davis

Description: Area has open desert along hillside, rocks and sand, is across from Santa Clara River, has trail, has many large old trees, nut and fruit trees, and a restroom.

Directions: From St. George take Hwy 91 west to Santa Clara. Take main road through Santa Clara and just before the road curves right look for the historical Jacob Hamblin Home sign, and turn right to parking area by home.

Good Birds: Spotted Towhees, Ladder-back Woodpecker, Nuthatches, Harris Sparrow, maybe the Vermilion Flycatcher, Chukar, etc. etc. etc.

Rare Birds: Lawrence's Goldfinch, Harris Hawk, White-throated Sparrow, Clark's Nutcracker...... this seems to be a little corridor with unusual species for the Dixie area. Super place for Christmas Bird Count.

Other: Walk around the grounds, the house, and take the trail around the hill (west). There are wonderful nut and fruit trees, and desert bushes. The whole area is full of bird life. Before you leave, let the people at the home know what birds you found. Public is welcome.

     eBird Data:   |  Jacob Hamblin HomeSanta Clara Downtown (aka Sunset Blvd ) |
       (to the west)  |  Santa Clara River Reserve -- Tukupetsi Trailhead |

Lawrence's Goldfinch     by Bob Lawson    ©Bob Lawson


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