Stewart Falls

Stewart Falls    by Jack Binch   ŠJack Binch (10 Jun 2007)

Directions:  Directions: Go up Provo Canyon and take the Sundance Ski Resort turnoff.  There are two ways to get to the falls:
     (Aspen Grove tail)
From the northwest end of the northern-most Aspen Grove parking lot take the trail the skirt the west end of the amphi-theater. (It's about 1.5 miles to the falls.
     (Sundance Nature Tail) 
You can get there from Sundance, but you may have to ask for directions.

Specialty Birds:  This is one of the best places to see the Black Swift (best to get there at sunrise on a spring day when they leave the nest which is behind the waterfall.

     eBird Data:   |  Stewart Falls |


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