Bennie Creek

Bennie Creek from Payson Canyon    by by Staff Photographer  Š

Directions:  (From the Birdseye side): Travel up Spanish Fork Canyon, turn right on to Highway 89 just past Billies Mountain, turn right at the Birdseye church and follow the road through private property to the forest service boundary. The road then terminates at a trailhead before the two miles are actually traveled, so if you want a nice walk as well you can hike up the trail which follows the stream through heavily forested vegetation.
(From Payson Canyon):  (see the Nebo Loops Tour)  Go up Payson Canyon about 5 miles (about two miles past the Maple Bench turnoff) The Bennie Creek Trail and the Grotto Trail takes off from the same parking area.

Description:  A riparian area with conifers on the north facing slope and oak, maple, and mahogany on the south facing slope.

Birds:  Commonly you can find Western Tanagers, Black-headed Grosbeak, Chipping Sparrows, and Orange-crowned Warblers.

     eBird Data:   | Nebo Loop |

Bennie Creek Trail    by Staff Photographer  Š


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