Horseshoe Springs

Horseshoe springs sunset with Cedar Mountain Range in the background
  by Oliver Hansen    ŠOliver Hansen  (21 August 2013)

~ Submitted by Oliver Hansen

Description: Skull Valley sits comfortably between the Stansbury and Cedar mountain ranges. There is a very nice paved road that runs north to south through this entire valley. Skull valley is predominantly a large salt playa with pickleweed, saltbrush, and sagebrush as far as the eye can see. Hoseshoe Springs is an amazing little deseret oasis found in Skull Valley near the tiny town of Iosepa, Ut. It is managed by the BLM and has a small trail that follows the creek in this area. Only a handful of reports have been entered in ebird for this area that together total around 50 species. Sage thrasher, common nighthawk, willet, savannah sparrow, various shorebirds, waterfowl, warblers, and many other species can be found at varying times of year. I imagine this being a great migrant trap in spring and fall. If you are ever heading West on I-80 on your way to Nevada - make sure to take the 15 minute side trip to this great birding location.

Getting there:  Take exit I-80 exit 77 and head south on UT-196 (towards Dugway). Go south 9.5 miles and keep an eye out for a brown BLM sign indicating Horseshoe Springs on the right. A small gravel road leads down to the west a few hundred feet to the parking area.

     eBird Data:   |  Horseshoe SpringsSkull Valley Rd (road to Dugway) |