Clover Springs |
Clover Springs Riparian Area by Eric Huish
ŠEric Huish |
Directions: Go west of Rush Valley on UT 199 about 5 miles. Possible Birds: Juniper Titmouse, Northern Pygmy Owl (winter), Wild Turkey, Sharp-shinned Hawk, Red-naped Sapsucker, Black-chinned Hummingbird, Warbling Vireo, Western Scrub-Jay, Clark's Nutcracker (winter), Pinion Jay, Mountain Chickadee, Bushtit, Brown Creeper, House Wren, Winter Wren (winter), Golden-crowned Kinglet (winter), Mountain Bluebird, Townsend's Solitaire (winter), Cedar Waxwing, Orange-crowned, Nashville, Virginia's, Black-throated Gray, Townsend's, MacGillivray's Warblers, Northern Waterthrush (during migration), and Yellow-breasted Chat, and Western Tanager, both towhees, Chipping Sparrow (in migration), White-crowned and Lincoln's Sparrows, Lazuli Bunting eBird Data: |
Clover Springs | |
Clover Springs by Staff
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Clover Springs Campground by Staff
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