Lee Creek Area |
Lee Creek Sunrise by Eric Huish |
Directions: From Salt Lake City, take I-80 West toward Reno to
Exit #111 (7200 West). Turn right (north) at stop sign then immediately (0.1
miles) turn left (west) onto the frontage road that parallels I-80. Drive west
on this frontage road 5.0 miles to a small parking area to the north of the
road. The parking area leads to a gated pathway that goes a short distance out
into the lake. If you are coming from the west on I-80, take the Saltair exit
#104 to get to the frontage road. Birding: Water levels at Great Salt Lake fluctuate yearly and the actual shoreline could be far in the distance from the pathway, so a scope is recommended. eBird Data: | Lee Creek (Salt Lake Co.) |