Tony Grove Trip    

Tony Grove Trip

This is a day-long trip into the canyons where you will find riparian habitat, dense conifers, aspen and sub-alpine areas. Note: the road to the lake itself is open only from late June until October. All suggested stops provide inviting trail walks; see Ann Schimpf's Cache Trails for descriptions of these hikes.

Start at the highway rest stop on the eastbound side of highway 89 at 15th east, just past the U.S.U. campus in, Logan (see Tony Grove Trip map) (0.0).

At (0.5) turn right into a parking lot on Canyon Road to view the reservoir behind First Dam. Look for diving ducks, especially Barrow's and Common Goldeneyes, Hooded Mergansers. Bald Eagles have, been spotted here.

Turn into Spring Hollow Campground at (4.5) miles. Cross the bridge, park in the lot immediate to your right, and walk to the upper picnic areas. Swainson's Thrushes, kinglets, and warblers are a common sight (sound) here. If you continue beyond the upper picnic areas over the footbridge you can hike the Crimson Trail. Ruffed and Blue Grouse and Stellar's jays can be seen here.

At (5.0) miles, just past DeWitt Campground on the north side of U.S. 89 is a sign marking the beginning of the Wind Caves Trail. This is a short 1½ mile hike which is a good place to see Rufous-sided Towhees and Ruffed Grouse. Long-eared Owls have been, heard here.

Your next stop is a must. Turn in at Malibu-Guinavah Campground (5.4) and then left into the Guinavah loop. Follow the signs to the Riverside Nature Trail, and take the 2.0 mile nature trail walk which parallels the Logan River on its south bank. Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers, hummingbirds, Warbling Vireos, Yellow Warblers, Lazuli Buntings, Fox, Sparrows, Grey Catbirds, Song Sparrows and flycatchers are all here in spring and early summer. Chickadees and Townsend's Solitaires are abundant in winter, and dippers and kingfishers are here throughout the year.

Look for Wood Camp Campground at (10.5) miles. Drive across the large bridge and park in the cleared area a couple of hundred yards beyond the bridge. Follow the signs to the Old Juniper Trail. If one has the energy to make the 5-6 mile hike to the tree, White-throated Swifts, Turkey Vultures and Goshawks are not uncommon sights in the vicinity of the tree. You pass through sagebrush, aspen, and conifer habitat.

Continue driving up the canyon to mile (19.2) and turn right into the U.S.U. Forestry Summer Camp. Cross the bridge and park near the buildings. Violet-green Swallows nest here.

Drive 0.4 miles further on the Logan Canyon Highway to the Tony Grove Lake Campground turnoff, at (19.6) miles. Drive to the end of the road (26.6). If short on time, a walk around the lake is suggested, (about one mile). For a really rewarding experience, walk up either the White Pine Lake Trail or the Naomi Peak Trail which leave from the north end of the parking loop. In late summer you will find tremendous numbers of aggressive Broad-tailed Hummingbirds here. Golden Eagles, Red-tailed Hawks, Sharp-shinned Hawks, Purple Martins, Mountain Bluebirds, Lincoln's Sparrow, Brewer's Sparrow and White-breasted Nuthatch are some possible sightings. Juncos and chickadees, are abundant. Find the Western Wood Peewee in aspens. You will want to save lots of time for this exciting place. It represents some of the most scenic and accessible habitat in this area.

The return trip simply retraces the route back to the Logan rest stop (53.2).

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