Since the "Email List Sign-up Forms"
have been struck by a
malicious script,
Please send your request to the
email address below using
the following steps:
1. Use the email account that you want signed up on the list(s).
2. Copy the section below and paste it in the body of your
3. Write "sign up" in the subject blank
4. Indicate which list(s) you'd like to sign up for (put something in the
underlined blank)
5. Send the email to this address:
(Copy this
Statewide Lists:
___ State Hotline (for rare bird
___ State Chatline ("Bird Talk" -
for statewide discussion)
Local Lists:
___ Bridgerland (for Northern Utah
and the Bridgerland Audubon)
___ Moab Bird Club (for
Southeastern Utah and the Moab Bird Club)
___ Red Cliffs (for Southwest Utah
and the Red Cliffs Audubon)
___ Utah
Valley (for Central Utah and the Utah County Birders)
___ Salt
Lake Valley (for the Salt Valley and the Salt Lake Audubon)
___ Top
of Utah (for Northern Utah and the Bridgerland Audubon)
(For Northeastern Utah Birding and Utah Birders lists, contact those
Please send the request
from the email account you'd like to have on the lists you've
Thank you!