Utah Bird Checklist Poster


Here's a fun "Free" poster for interested Utah birders. Scott Root, the Conservation Outreach Mgr for DWR (Springville office), has taken the "Birds of Utah" field checklist and created a poster
with the same information, but has added a line next to each species for birders to record the "date and location" of their bird sightings. 
(see photos below)

Free, from the DWR!

"I wanted to create a "classroom poster" for students of Utah to be able to document their bird sightings. I have had over a thousand of these 28' x 20' bird posters printed and would love to offer them free of charge to those that view the www.utahbirds.org website. I prefer not to mail any of these posters but offer them to be picked up at our Springville DWR office (1115 North Main Street). I can also distribute these posters to our Salt Lake and regional offices if requested..."

Scott Root
DWR Conservation Outreach Mgr.
Springville (801)491-5656   


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