Utah Bird Profile
 Willow Flycatcher - Empidonax traillii

Name Roots: (Gr. empis, "a gnat"; anax, "king" - for Thomas S. Traill)

In Utah: Southwestern Subspecies   E. t. extimus

by Nicky Davis

Other Photos - ID / Song

characteristic behaviors:
Nests in a shrub or in a deciduous tree at a height of 2-10 (1-18) feet, in a cup nest. This species is a common cowbird host. During the breeding season, this species is an insectivore: air sallier.
Habitat: Breeds in Utah in lowland riparian and mountain riparian habitats.
How to find:  

|   USGS Profile  (Geological Survey)    |   US Winter Range   |   US Summer Range Map   |

Occur. (FS)

(See Legend)

Abbreviations  |  References  |  Legend  

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