| ♂Front | ♂Side | ♂Back | ♀Front | ♀Side | ♀Back | Juveniles | Underside | Close-ups |   
| Nesting | Flying | Action | Act.2 | Act.3 |



 Yellow Warbler
 Setophaga petechia

 Valley west of
 Cedar City, Utah
 16 Jul 2019

 by Jim Bruce
 ŠJim Bruce



 Yellow Warbler
 Setophaga petechia

 Valley west of
 Cedar City, Utah
 16 Jul 2019

 by Jim Bruce
 ŠJim Bruce



 Yellow Warbler
 Setophaga petechia

 Valley west of
 Cedar City, Utah
 16 Jul 2019

 by Jim Bruce
 ŠJim Bruce



 Yellow Warbler
 Setophaga petechia

 Valley west of
 Cedar City, Utah
 16 Jul 2019

 by Jim Bruce
 ŠJim Bruce



 Yellow Warbler
 Setophaga petechia

 Valley west of
 Cedar City, Utah
 16 Jul 2019

 by Jim Bruce
 ŠJim Bruce