Records Committee
Utah Ornithological Society
Status & Comments
Year 2018 (records 01 through 25)

2018-01  Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

Evaluator Date Vote Comment
Kathy B. 20 Feb 2018 Acc  
Kenny F. 17 Feb 2018 Acc Twin rows of barring on the back and juvenile plumage at this date both look good for YBSA.
Stephanie G. 31 Jan 2018 Acc I hesitated to vote positively for this at first, as the pattern on the back didn't seem to be quite as extreme as I'd expect, but after studying many eastern records of the species, I see that it falls within the range of individual variation.
Mike H. 9 Jan 2018 Acc If I came across this individual in the Midwest, I wouldn t think twice about it being anything other than a YBSA. The plumage for time of year fits best with YBSA, but in my opinion this is still a very tough call. I will accept at this time and wait for the opinion of others to see if they differ.
Dennis S. 8 Jan 2018 Acc Many have seen this cooperatve bird over the first week it was reported. The clincher of this 1st year sapsucker is it's retention of it's juvenile plumage late into the winter. As of yet, it has no evidence of any molting into adult plumage. Many excellant photos have been provided.
Steve S. 17 Feb 2018 Acc  
Mark S. 27 Feb 2018 Acc Juvenile at that date should be YBSA.
Larry T. 20 Feb 2018 Acc Looks good for a imature YB.
Kevin W.      


2018-02  Chestnut-collared Longspur

Evaluator Date Vote Comment
Kathy B. 14 Mar 2018 No, ID Although this could have been a CCLO, the sparse description from a poor photo leaves too many questions for me to accept the record.

2nd round:  

9 May 2018 Acc The angle of the tail in the photo made this ID very difficult for me. However, after again comparing the photographed tail pattern with the documented tail patterns of the possible longspur species, I have concluded the closest match is to a Chestnut-collared. Therefore, I have changed my vote.
Kenny F. 17 Feb 2018 Acc Distinctive dark triangle on the tail.

2nd round:  

17 Mar 2018 Acc The tails of first winter birds still show a different tail pattern and a triangle like shown in this bird is good for a Chestnut-collared Longspur.
Stephanie G. 27 Feb 2018 Acc  

2nd round:  

9 May 2018 Acc Distinctive tail markings
Mike H. 8 Jan 2018 Acc A tough photo, but I feel this is a CCLO. When taken as a whole, the white lesser coverts, dark median coverts, dark tertials, and triangle tail pattern point away from all other longspur sp. I would doubt that a photographic artifact would place white in the exact areas of the bird (tail & coverts) needed for ID.

2nd round:  

27 Apr 2018 Acc My opinion on this bird hasn t changed.
Dennis S. 8 Jan 2018 No, ID Where McCown's Longspur have been fairly regularly seen in this area this past month, and first year birds of both species are very similar, I think it's a stretch to call this bird a CCLO with only a flight look.

2nd round:  

11 Apr 2018 No, ID This is still a close call, but still not convinced. My 1st round comments still apply.
Steve S. 17 Feb 2018 Acc  

2nd round:  

19 Apr 2018 Acc While the photo is terrible, the description and tail pattern seem to fit Chestnut-collared.
Mark S. 27 Feb 2018 Acc Distinctive tail pattern visible in the photo.

2nd round:  

19 Apr 2018 Acc As per my first round comment - the distinctive triangular tail pattern is visible in the photo.
Larry T. 20 Feb 2018 Acc  

2nd round:  

17 May 2018 Acc I think the definitive features can be seen.
Kevin W. 7 Mar 2018 Acc I wish that the photo was more revealing, but the description seems good for a Chestnut-collared Longspur.

2nd round:  

6 Apr 2018 Acc No additional comments


2018-03  Red Phalarope

Evaluator Date Vote Comment
Kathy B. 14 Mar 2018 Acc  
Kenny F. 17 Feb 2018 Acc Solid gray back and thick (for a phalarope) bill look good for a Red Phalarope.
Stephanie G. 31 Jan 2018 Acc  
Mike H. 11 Mar 2018 Acc  
Dennis S. 18 Jan 2018 Acc Nice photos leave no doubt.
Steve S. 17 Feb 2018 Acc  
Mark S. 12 Mar 2018 Acc Good documentation and photos.
Larry T. 20 Feb 2018 Acc  
Kevin W. 7 Mar 2018 Acc Photos seem good for a Red Phalarope, particularly the thick bill and unstreaked back.


2018-04  Common Redpoll

Evaluator Date Vote Comment
Kathy B. 14 Mar 2018 Acc  
Kenny F. 17 Feb 2018 Acc Description matches Common Redpoll.
Stephanie G. 31 Jan 2018 Acc  
Mike H. 11 Mar 2018 Acc Description, number of observations this season, and experience of observer allows acceptance in my book.
Dennis S. 18 Jan 2018 Acc Prior experience was determining factor.
Steve S. 17 Feb 2018 Acc  
Mark S. 12 Mar 2018 Acc Description eliminates similar species; many sightings of this species in Utah this winter.
Larry T. 20 Feb 2018 Acc  
Kevin W. 7 Mar 2018 Acc The description is good for a Common Redpoll.


2018-05  Rusty Blackbird

Evaluator Date Vote Comment
Kathy B. 14 Mar 2018 Acc  
Kenny F. 17 Feb 2018 Acc Browner upperparts look good for Rusty Blackbird.
Stephanie G. 27 Feb 2018 Acc  
Mike H. 24 Jan 2018 Acc Rust coloration on secondaries eliminates subadult Brewer s. Pale iris and size in relation to Brewer s eliminates all else..
Dennis S. 29 Jan 2018 Acc No problems. Great photos and the usual thorough report.
Steve S. 17 Feb 2018 Acc  
Mark S. 13 Mar 2018 Acc Good description.
Larry T. 20 Feb 2018 Acc  
Kevin W. 7 Mar 2018 Acc Excellent description. Photos are good, showing rusty edges of wings.


2018-06  Northern Parula

Evaluator Date Vote Comment
Kathy B. 24 Mar 2018 Acc I question the meaning on "white around eye," but I'm willing to accept based on other characteristics described.

2nd round:  

9 May 2918 Acc No additional thoughts.
Kenny F. 17 Feb 2018 Acc Description matches Northern Parula.

2nd round:  

28 May 2918 Acc No additional comments.
Stephanie G. 27 Feb 2018 Acc Limited evidence, however the description seems to fit.

2nd round:  

9 May 2918 Acc  
Mike H. 8 Apr 2918 No, ID Would like to see others thoughts on this report.

2nd round:  

27 Apr 2918 Acc  
Dennis S. 3 Feb 2018 Acc Adequate report to remove doubt.

2nd round:  

11 Apr 2918 Acc No change from 1st round thoughts. Not sure anything else fits- "yellowish-green on upper back."
Steve S. 17 Feb 2018 Acc  

2nd round:  

19 Apr 2918 Acc Description fits Northern Parula.
Mark S. 13 Mar 2018 Acc Remarkable date, but far from unprecedented, even for this location. Description is sparse, but adequate to eliminate similar species.

2nd round:  

19 Apr 2018 Acc No further comment.
Larry T. 20 Feb 2018 Acc  

2nd round:  

17 May 2018 Acc I'll stay with my original vote.
Kevin W. 7 Mar 2018 Acc I'd love to see a photo, but the description is good; I can't rule this out as anything similar.

2nd round:  

23 Jun 2018 Acc No additional comments


2018-07  Rusty Blackbird

Evaluator Date Vote Comment
Kathy B. 24 Mar 2018 Acc  

2nd round:  

9 May 2918 Acc Description fits; similar species effectively eliminated.
Kenny F. 17 Feb 2018 Acc Description matches Rusty Blackbird.

2nd round:  

28 May 2918 Acc No additional comments..
Stephanie G. 8 Apr 2018 Acc Hm, without a photo it's a difficult call. I don't like the fact that they weren't able to observe the bill, but the pale supercilium and other descriptive markers would fit for Rusty, so I'll tentatively accept the record.

2nd round:  

9 May 2918 Acc  
Mike H. 8 Apr 2018 No, ID This is a tough ID. My initial thoughts were that the BRBL would not be in this plumage during the this time of year, but yes they can. I will vote no at this time to push into 2nd for further discussion.

2nd round:  

27 Apr 2918 Acc  
Dennis S. 3 Feb 2018 Acc Nice detailed report comparing similar species.

2nd round:  

11 Apr 2918 Acc No additional thoughts
Steve S. 17 Feb 2018 Acc  

2nd round:  

19 Apr 2918 Acc Good report with description of Rusty Blackbird.
Mark S. 13 Mar 2018 Acc Good description.

2nd round:  

19 Apr 2918 Acc Distinctive features were noted in the description.
Larry T. 20 Feb 2018 Acc  

2nd round:  

17 May 2918 Acc Description is fine for a Rusty Blackbird.
Kevin W. 6 Apr 2018 Acc The description fits Rusty Blackbird, and does well at comparing to similar other blackbirds in the same flock.

2nd round:  

23 Jun 2018 Acc No additional comments


2018-08  Common Redpoll

Evaluator Date Vote Comment
Kathy B. 24 Mar 2018 Acc  
Kenny F. 17 Feb 2018 Acc Nice photos of a Common Redpoll.
Mike H. 16 Feb 2018 Acc  
Dennis S. 3 Feb 2018 Acc Good photos leave no doubt.
Steve S. 17 Feb 2018 Acc  
Mark S. 13 Mar 2018 Acc Have we hit the threshold for removing this species from the review list?
Larry T. 20 Feb 2018 Acc  
Kevin W. 6 Apr 2018 Acc Photos show distinctive Common Redpoll.


2018-09  McCown's Longspur

Evaluator Date Vote Comment
Kathy B. 24 Mar 2018 Acc  
Kenny F. 17 Feb 2018 Acc Good photos of McCown's Longspur.
Mike H. 16 Feb 2018 Acc Although the field marks listed are more accumulative than diagnostic, the photo clearly shows MCLO.
Dennis S. 14 Feb 2018 Acc Photos and reports are conclusive.
Steve S. 17 Feb 2018 Acc  
Mark S. 14 Mar 2018 Acc Good documentation.
Larry T. 20 Feb 2018 Acc  
Kevin W. 6 Apr 2018 Acc Photos show distinctive black crescent on chest for McCown's Longspur.


2018-10  Red-throated Loon

Evaluator Date Vote Comment
Kathy B. 9 May 2018 Acc  
Kenny F. 17 Mar 2018 Acc Dainty upturned bill looks good for Red-throated Loon.
Stephanie G. 9 May 2018 Acc Upturned bill, white head and neck
Mike H. 1 May 2018 Acc  
Dennis S. 14 Mar 2018 Acc No reservations.
Steve S. 19 Apr 2018 Acc  
Mark S. 14 Mar 2018 Acc Written description is weak, but the photos show a Red-throated Loon.
Larry T. 17 May 2018 Acc  
Kevin W. 6 Apr 2018 Acc Photos show distinctive field marks for Red-throated Loon, including the gleaming white neck, finely spotted back, and thin, upturned bill.


2018-11  Common Redpoll

Evaluator Date Vote Comment
Kathy B. 9 May 2018 Acc  
Kenny F. 28 May 2018 Acc Nice photos.
Stephanie G. 29 May 2018 Acc Pretty straightforward
Mike H. 27 Apr 2018 Acc Slam dunk.
Dennis S. 2 Apr 2018 Acc Good written description and "without-a-doubt" photos.
Steve S. 19 Apr 2018 Acc  
Mark S. 19 Apr 2018 Acc Photos show a Common Redpoll.
Larry T. 13 Jun 2018 Acc  
Kevin W. 6 Apr 2018 Acc Photos show distinctive Common Redpoll.


2018-12  Varied Bunting

Evaluator Date Vote Comment
Kathy B. 9 May 2018 Acc  

2nd round:  

20 Jul 2018 Acc I think the observer saw a Varied Bunting based on his description and I'm still willing to accept this record. I don't think this record should be automatically rejected because there is no photo, or because the observer is only 99% sure rather than 100%.
Kenny F. 28 May 2018 Acc I'm voting tentatively to accept on this record even though there is no photographic documentation of this bird. The description certainly matches a male Varied Bunting and the timing and location seem good for one but it is weird that the observer wasn't confident enough at the time of the sighting to report and/or submit it.

2nd round:  

23 Jul 2018 Acc I am still sticking by my previous comments.

Also no one who is rejecting this record has suggested any other species that this bird could be. I'm not sure what else they think it could be..
Stephanie G. 29 May 2018 No, ID It's an interesting record, but probably not enough evidence for me to accept in the first round.

2nd round:  

9 Jul 2018 No, ID I think that extreme lighting conditions, the lack of confidence by the observer, and lack of photos keep me from accepting the record, especially as a state first. .
Mike H. 1 May 2018 No, ID i feel this record will need to be scrutinized more than a normal No Photo record would be. Having seen this species many times and knowing how muted the colors can appear in a mid-day sun, combined with the fact it was partially in shadow, and then the slight wavering in confidence at the end of the report leave me wanting more details. This may very well have been a VABU, but at this time I feel there isn't enough there for vetting.

2nd round:  

28 Jun 2018 No, ID Still feel the same as the first round.
Dennis S. 11 Apr 2018 No, ID 2 years ago? It may have been a VABU, but for acceptance as a First
-Of State we need more.

2nd round:  

8 Jul 2018 No, ID No change in thoughts. Need more for FOS..
Steve S. 19 Apr 2018 Acc Although hesitant to vote accept with the short observation and limited description, I can't think of any other species that would have a red nape and a blue rump.

2nd round:  

17 Jul 2018 Acc I still believe observer saw a Varied Bunting by his description. This being said, I have no problem with this record being rejected as a state first per existing bylaws. I'm not convinced the bylaws should be any different for a state first. If a bird is accepted on the report submitted it should be accepted period..
Mark S. 19 Apr 2018 Acc  I believe that the observer saw a Varied Bunting, as the species (at least the male) is distinctive, and the description eliminates other possibilities. Also, this species would seem to be long overdue for Utah, and the location of this observation is in the expected area of occurrence.

My big issue here is single-observer report with no photo for a state-first record. I'm fine with rejecting the record on those grounds, but I do think the observer saw a Varied Bunting.

Since I'm more certain that some of you will vote to not accept this record than accept it, I'll vote to accept, so that we can discuss this.

2nd round:  

1 Aug 2018 No, ID I'll switch my vote on the grounds of too old and insufficient documentation for a FOS record, even though I think the observer saw a Varied Bunting.
Larry T. 13 Jun 2018 No, ID Description sounds good for this species but for such a rare bird to wander that far out of it's range I can't accept it without at least multiple observers or a photo.

2nd round:  

29 Aug 2018 No, ID Same concerns as before.
Kevin W. 6 Apr 2018 No, ID I think that the submitter well may have seen a Varied Bunting, but the submitter's doubt in his own identification, as well as the standards required for a first state documentation make me hesitate to accept this record.

2nd round:  

23 Jun 2018 No, ID I still have doubts about this identification, and think it lacks enough to be considered a first state record.


2018-13  Brown-capped Rosy-Finch

Evaluator Date Vote Comment
Kathy B. 9 May 2018 No, ID Observers do not effectively eliminate similar species.

2nd round:  

20 Jul 2018 No, ID Because of the difficulties in distinguishing this species from Gray-crowned Rosy-finch, I am still reluctant to accept.
Kenny F. 28 May 2018 Acc Description matches Brown-capped Rosy-finch and Gray-crowned is sufficiently ruled out as well.

2nd round:  

23 Jul 2018 Acc Observers mentioned all the ways that this isn't a Gray-crowned Rosy-finch and I agree with them still.
Stephanie G. 29 May 2018 No, ID Nice notes, but it's hard enough to verify a Brown-capped with a photo, let alone without. I don't feel comfortable accepting in the first round based on notes alone.

2nd round:  

9 Jul 2018 No, ID Not enough evidence for acceptance
Mike H.      

2nd round:  

28 Jun 2018 No, ID  
Dennis S. 11 Apr 2018 No, ID Females and 1st year juveniles are just as confusing as males. I'm not convinced the bird reported was a BCRF, and not a juvenile Gray-Crowned.

2nd round:  

8 Jul 2018 No, ID It's possible it may have been a BCRF but still too close too call from GCRF.
Steve S. 19 Apr 2018 Acc  

2nd round:  

17 Jul 2018 Acc I still think there is enough in the report to rule out Gray-crowned.
Mark S. 21 Apr 2018 No, ID I'm not comfortable with this record, especially with no photos and observers with little experience with the species.

The problem I see is that this appears to be a first-year bird, without extensive pink on the underparts. Such individuals can be very difficult to tell from similar age Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch. Nothing in the description definitively eliminates a young Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch, that can have all of the features noted. Even the cooler brown plumage in direct comparison with (presumably adult) Gray-crowned may not be diagnostic.

2nd round:  

1 Aug 2018 No, ID As per my first round comments.
Larry T. 13 Jun 2018 Acc  

2nd round:  

29 Aug 2018 No, ID I'll jump on the bandwagon to not accept this one for the reasons stated by others.
Kevin W. 23 Jun 2018 Acc I wish there were photos. Aside from this being an odd season for Brown-capped Rosy-Finch records, the details seem to eliminate other possibilities.

2nd round:  

13 Aug 2018 No, ID I agree with others that there seems to be too little info available to discern these hard-to-tell individuals.


2018-14  Zone-tailed Hawk

Evaluator Date Vote Comment
Kathy B. 9 May 2018 Acc  
Kenny F. 28 May 2018 Acc Good photos of this species.
Stephanie G. 29 May 2018 Acc  
Mike H. 1 May 2018 Acc Creditable observer, good photo. Wing shape and thickness of dark trailing edge appear good for ZTHA.
Dennis S. 1 May 2018 Acc  
Steve S. 18 Jun 2018 Acc  
Mark S. 31 May 2018 Acc Good photo, documentation.
Larry T. 13 Jun 2018 Acc  
Kevin W. 23 Jun 2018 Acc Photo shows characteristics of Zone-tailed Hawk, including the banded tail, feathered head, and dark back side to wings.


2016-22a  Zone-tailed Hawk

Evaluator Date Vote Comment
Kathy B. 9 May 2018 Acc  
Kenny F. 28 May 2018 Acc I assume this is the same bird as the 2016 record in the same location. Nice photos.
Stephanie G. 29 May 2018 Acc  
Mike H. 2 May 2018 Acc  
Dennis S. 1 May 2018 Acc Old but still acceptable.
Steve S. 18 Jun 2018 Acc  
Mark S. 31 May 2018 Acc Photos are definitive. Have we reached the threshold for removing this species from the review list?
Larry T. 13 Jun 2018 Acc  
Kevin W. 23 Jun 2018 Acc Photos show characteristics of Zone-tailed Hawk.


2018-15  Vaux's Swift

Evaluator Date Vote Comment
Kathy B. 9 May 2018 Acc  
Kenny F. 28 May 2018 Acc Great description of this bird.
Stephanie G. 9 Jul 2018 Acc Appears to eliminate other species
Mike H. 2 May 2018 Acc Well described.
Dennis S. 15 May 2018 Acc As always - a thorough, convincing, report.
Steve S. 18 Jun 2018 Acc  
Mark S. 31 May 2018 Acc Excellent documentation.
Larry T. 13 Jun 2018 Acc  
Kevin W. 23 Jun 2018 Acc Description fits Vaux's Swift, and eliminates other possibilities.


2018-16  Common Redpoll

Evaluator Date Vote Comment
Kathy B. 9 May 2018 No, ID Could this have been a Pine Siskin? Just another small finch with brown back and streaked white belly which also has a buzzy call.

2nd round:  

20 Jul 2018 No, ID Other species (Pine Siskin) not effectively ruled out.
Kenny F. 28 May 2018 No, ID Doesn't rule out green morph pine siskin which can show a white belly. Also the call described is similar to one of the Pine Siskin calls.

2nd round:  

23 Jul 2018 No, ID Still not enough evidence to rule out PISI.
Stephanie G. 9 Jul 2018 No, ID Pine Siskin not effectively ruled out.

2nd round:  

14 Aug 2018 No, ID Pine Siskin not effectively ruled out
Mike H. 2 May 2018 No, ID Not enough information to eliminate other species..

2nd round:  

6 Sep 2018 No, ID  
Dennis S. 15 May 2018 No, ID Could very well have been - but primarily based on call and quick flight, leaves too many other possibilities.

2nd round:  

10 Jul 2018 No, ID Nothing changed. Still not convinced.
Steve S. 18 Jun 2018 Acc  

2nd round:  

17 Jul 2018 No, ID I agree with others that the description doesn't rule out Pine Siskin..
Mark S. 31 May 2018 No, ID I would be willing to pass this record, especially given the plethora of reports of this species this year and the experience of the observer, except that I can't see anything in the record that eliminates Pine Siskin. Even the call, as described, could be that of a PISI.

Help me out here, what about this record would eliminate PISI?

2nd round:  

1 Aug 2018 No, ID PISI not eliminated.
Larry T. 13 Jun 2018 Acc  

2nd round:  

29 Aug 2018 No, ID I'll agree that other species weren't ruled out.
Kevin W. 23 Jun 2018 No, ID The submitter may have seen a Common Redpoll, but the lack of distinctive characteristics observed is notable. The observer did not see the red cap, black face, or yellow beak. A notched tail is difficult to detect while flying away, and a brown back and white belly with streaks may fit other species.

2nd round:  

13 Aug 2018 No, ID I still think that there are too few characteristics that were described to eliminate other species (like Pine Siskin).


2018-17  Palm Warbler

Evaluator Date Vote Comment
Kathy B. 9 May 2018 Acc  
Kenny F. 28 May 2018 Acc Great shots of a western Palm Warbler.
Stephanie G. 9 Jul 2018 Acc Clear photos
Mike H. 15 May 2018 Acc Slam-dunk. Hopefully the first of many from a well traveled, quality birder that has made Utah his home.
Dennis S. 15 May 2018 Acc Photo leaves no question.
Steve S. 18 Jun 2018 Acc  
Mark S. 31 May 2018 Acc Excellent documentation.
Larry T. 13 Jun 2018 Acc  
Kevin W. 23 Jun 2018 Acc Photos show distinctive characteristics of Palm Warbler.


2018-18  Zone-tailed Hawk

Evaluator Date Vote Comment
Kathy B. 26 Jun 2018 Acc  
Kenny F. 28 May 2018 Acc Good shot!
Stephanie G. 9 Jul 2018 Acc Clear photos
Mike H. 28 Jun 2018 Acc  
Dennis S. 15 May 2018 Acc Convincing photo.
Steve S. 18 Jun 2018 Acc  
Mark S. 2 Jun 2018 Acc Good photo; distinctive.
Larry T. 13 Jun 2018 Acc  
Kevin W. 23 Jun 2018 Acc Photos show distinctive characteristics of Zone-tailed hawk.


2018-19  Vaux's Swift

Evaluator Date Vote Comment
Kathy B. 12 Jun 2018 Acc  

2nd round:  

20 Jul 2018 Acc Vaux's Swift' typical flight is rapid and fluttering, whereas the typical flight of a Chimney Swift has slower wing beats and more gliding. I'm still voting to accept.

3rd round:  

8 Sep 2018 Acc No further comments
Kenny F. 28 May 2018 Acc, NAS Description matches a Chaetura swift, however Chimney can't be ruled out since this is a time of year that vagrants do show up in the west.

2nd round:  

23 Jul 2018 Acc. NAS There still isn't enough evidence to rule out Chimney Swift.

The bird not vocalizing and its flight characteristics are soft field marks and this bird shouldn't be safely assumed to be a Vaux's because of not vocalizing and because the flight styles of both Chaetura swifts in the US are similar and can be variable.

The best option is to be conservative here without a hard field mark like the coloration of the throat and/ or rump and go NAS.

3rd round:  

4 Nov 2018 Acc, NAS I still think that NAS is the best option in this record.
Stephanie G. 9 Jul 2018 Acc  

2nd round:  

14 Aug 2018 Acc  

3rd round:  

6 Nov 2018 Acc, NAS  
Mike H. 15 May 2018 Acc Description fits, and time of year is perfect. Combined with reputation of birder, I feel this is enough to validate.

2nd round:  

6 Sep 2018 Acc. NAS I agree that all other possibilities were not eliminated.

3rd round:  

13 Sep 2018 Acc, NAS Will stick with my thought from 2nd round.
Dennis S. 15 May 2018 Acc Description fits.

2nd round:  

10 Jul 2018 Acc  

3rd round:  

27 Sep 2018 Acc, NAS Kenny's Acc. NAS makes a lot of sense..
Steve S. 18 Jun 2018 Acc  

2nd round:  

17 Jul 2018 Acc Description fits Vaux's Swift Especially with a silent bird.

3rd round:  

10 Sep 2018 Acc No further comments
Mark S. 2 Jun 2018 Acc Even though the observer couldn't eliminate Chimney Swift, I'll vote to accept, given that the bird was silent, something that's very rare in Chimney Swift, and that Vaux's is much more likely.

2nd round:  

1 Aug 2018 Acc. NAS I'm swayed by Kenny's suggestion that we err on the side of caution.

3rd round:  

24 Sep 2018 Acc, NAS I'm happy with calling this a Chaetura swift.
Larry T. 13 Jun 2018 Acc  

2nd round:  

29 Aug 2018 Acc. NAS  

3rd round:  

4 Oct 2018 Acc, NAS I think this is the correct call.
Kevin W. 26 Jun 2018 Acc Description fits Vaux's Swift.

2nd round:  

5 Sep 2018 Acc No additional comments

3rd round:  

9 Oct 2018 Acc No additional comments


2018-20  Dickcissel

Evaluator Date Vote Comment
Kathy B. 26 Jun 2018 Acc  
Kenny F. 28 May 2018 Acc Gorgeous bird.
Stephanie G. 9 Jul 2018 Acc Photos clearly show Dickcissel
Mike H. 12 Jun 2018 Acc Good photo.
Dennis S. 20 May 2018 Acc Awesome photo - leaves no question
Steve S. 18 Jun 2018 Acc  
Mark S. 2 Jun 2018 Acc Photo ("taken at the time of the sighting" :D ) shows a Dickcissel.
Larry T. 13 Jun 2018 Acc  
Kevin W. 26 Jun 2018 Acc Photos show distinctive characteristics of Dickcissel.


2018-21  Zone-tailed Hawk

Evaluator Date Vote Comment
Kathy B. 26 Jun 2018 Acc  

2nd round:  

20 Jul 2018 Acc I agree the photos could be better, but the description supports Zone-tailed Hawk.
Kenny F. 28 May 2018 Acc Not sure where the photos are, but the description is good for a Zone-tailed Hawk.

2nd round:  

23 Jul 2018 Acc Description still matches ZTHA and the photos don't show anything to rule it out.
Stephanie G. 9 Jul 2018 No, ID Hm...I'm not sure the photos show a Zone-tailed, but maybe another raptor with some piebald features maybe?

2nd round:  

14 Aug 2018 No, ID  
Mike H. 8 Jul 2018 No, ID Photos are less than ideal, and although TUVU was eliminated there is no mention of other similar buteo sp in eliminating other species. It may very well be a ZTHA, but will vote no at this time.

2nd round:  

6 Sep 2018

Dennis S. 20 May 2018 Acc  

2nd round:  

10 Jul 2018 Acc  
Steve S. 18 Jun 2018 Acc  

2nd round:  

17 Jul 2018 Acc Description fits a Zone-tailed hawk. Although the photos are marginal I still believe they support this ID.
Mark S. 2 Jun 2018 Acc Photos are of marginal quality, but clearly show a Zone-tailed Hawk.

2nd round:  

1 Aug 2018 Acc Shape alone in the photos is distinctive for ZTHA.
Larry T. 13 Jun 2018 Acc  

2nd round:  

29 Aug 2018 Acc I'll stay with my vote on this one.
Kevin W. 26 Jun 2018 Acc Description fits Zone-tailed Hawk, particularly barring/ banding under the wings and tail, which aren't obvious in the photos.

2nd round:  

5 Sep 2018 Acc Description rules out other potential raptors.


2018-22  Vaux's Swift

Evaluator Date Vote Comment
Kathy B. 26 Jun 2018 No, ID I'm on the fence with this one due to the short observation time, even though the description seems to fit. If someone is very familiar with this swift species, as well as with other swifts, an identification could be made quickly. However, it is unclear if the observer has any experience with this species, and how familiar he is with other swifts. My vote is no for this reason.

2nd round:  

20 Jul 2018 No, ID The sighting may have been a Vaux's Swift, but my concerns with the short observation time still exist.
Kenny F. 28 May 2018 No, ID I don't think a 3 second look while driving on 215 is sufficient for identification.

2nd round:  

23 Jul 2018 No, ID No additional comments.
Stephanie G. 9 Jul 2018 No, ID  

2nd round:  

14 Aug 2018 No, ID Short observation time while driving, and no optics does not a reliable sighting make.
Mike H. 8 Jul 2018 No, ID I feel the description falls short of eliminating other species, and I don t like using range alone to eliminate certain species. I also feel the detail that was added with only a 3 second view is a bit of a red flag.

2nd round:  

6 Sep 2018 No, ID Nothing has changed my opinion from the first round.
Dennis S. 8 Jul 2018 Acc In spite of concerns (3 sec. on I-215)(70 mph?), the described small, dark, cigar-shaped, swift fits enough for acceptance

2nd round:  

10 Jul 2018 No, ID Swayed by common comments of short observation time and traveling on I-215.
Steve S. 18 Jun 2018 Acc  

2nd round:  

17 Jul 2018 No, ID Observer probably saw a Vaux's Swift, but I'll agree that with the speed being traveled and a 3 second view it would be hard to verify this ID.
Mark S. 2 Jun 2018 No, ID I'll tip the other way on this one, even though I think it's likely that it's a Vaux's Swift. Nothing in the description suggests this species over Chimney, and no information regarding vocalizations is given.

2nd round:  

3 Aug 2018 No, ID Not enough here to be certain..
Larry T. 13 Jun 2018 Acc  

2nd round:  

29 Aug 2018 No, ID I'll switch my vote. would be difficult to rule out a Chimney.
Kevin W. 26 Jun 2018 Acc Seem's like a Vaux's Swift.

2nd round:  

5 Sep 2018 No, ID Others have convinced me that it would be difficult to identify this bird in the time reported.


2018-23  Yellow-throated Vireo

Evaluator Date Vote Comment
Kathy B. 23 Jul 2018 Acc  
Kenny F. 28 May 2018 Acc Great documentation of a very rare Utah species.
Stephanie G. 9 Jul 2018 Acc Great record
Mike H. 12 Jun 2018 Acc Great yard bird!
Dennis S. 20 May 2018 Acc Convincing photo.
Steve S. 17 Jul 2018 Acc  
Mark S. 3 Jun 2018 Acc Excellent documentation and photos.
Larry T. 13 Jun 2018 Acc  
Kevin W. 26 Jun 2018 Acc Photos show a Yellow-throated Vireo


2018-24  Least Flycatcher

Evaluator Date Vote Comment
Kathy B. 20 Jul 2018 No, ID Maybe it's just me or my computer, but I could not hear anything on the recording provided which sounded like a Least Flycatcher.

2nd round:  

8 Sep 2018 Acc After listening to the sound recording again and again, I was finally(!)able to hear the faint che-bek, che-bek in the background.
Kenny F. 28 May 2018 Acc Audio matches Least Flycatcher.

2nd round:  

30 Aug 2018 Acc Still sounds like a Least.
Stephanie G. 9 Jul 2018 Acc  

2nd round:  

14 Aug 2018 Acc Recording matches Least Flycatcher che-bek
Mike H. 8 Jul 2018 Acc I m leaning on the experience the observer has with this species more than anything. I couldn't discern the LEFL from other calls in the video due to the interference.

2nd round:  

13 Sep 2018 Acc  
Dennis S. 8 Jul 2018 Acc Audible is enough for acceptance.

2nd round:  

15 Aug 2018 Acc Maybe I'm not so hard of hearing after all, or maybe I'm imagining things - Chebeck!
Steve S. 17 Jul 2018 No, ID I can't hear anything but wind in this video.

2nd round:  

10 Sep 2018 Acc I still can't hear anything, but since everyone else seems able to I will vote to accept.
Mark S. 3 Jun 2018 Acc I can't hear the recording, but will accept this distinctive call based upon observer testimony.

2nd round:  

13 Aug 2018 Acc So, given that I, plus several others, couldn't hear anything on the recording, but some could, I decided that it was my imperfect playback from my computer, so I plugged in the headphones.

What did I hear? Behind the wind, and Song Sparrow, and Yellow Warbler, was an incessant "che-bek, che-bek, che-bek, che-bek . . ." plain as day. So if you can't hear it, try some headphones. It's there, and that makes this record good.
Larry T. 13 Jun 2018 Acc  

2nd round:  

29 Aug 2018 Acc Che-bek makes this a easy one if you can hear it.
Kevin W. 13 Aug 2018 No, ID I couldn't detect clear Least Flycatcher calls in the video, and there's no other evidence in the record.

2nd round:  

19 Sep 2018 Acc The recording isn't great, but I've convinced myself that I might detect a Least Flycatcher Che-beck in there.


2018-25  Pacific Golden-Plover

Evaluator Date Vote Comment
Kathy B. 20 Jul 2018 Acc  
Kenny F. 28 May 2018 Acc Excellent documentation of another very rare bird in Utah.
Stephanie G. 9 Jul 2018 Acc Good record and photos
Mike H. 12 Jun 2018 Acc Great photo, great description. Even the poor photos show key field marks.
Dennis S. 8 Jul 2018 Acc Excellent commentary comparing AGPL and awesome flight photos leaves little doubt.
Steve S. 17 Jul 2018 Acc  
Mark S. 3 Jun 2018 Acc Excellent documentation.
Larry T. 29 Aug 2018 Acc Good description along with the photos are enough for me not to have a problem with the ID.
Kevin W. 13 Aug 2018 Acc The photos lead me to believe this is an American Golden-Plover, and the description eliminates other possibilities. Particularly noticeable is the white in the flanks.