Utah Bird Records Committee
Vote on Checklist Changes
(30 Mar 2005)



 1. The Cackling Goose should be on the Review List
  Yes or No    (Vote:  Yes 7 - 0 )
 2. The status code for White Ibis should be "A"
  Yes or No    (Vote:  Yes 7 - 0 )
 3. The status code for Blue-headed Vireo should be "A"
  Yes or No    (Vote:  Yes 7 - 0 )
 4. The status code for Rufous-backed Robin should be "A"
  Yes or No    (Vote:  Yes 7 - 0 )
 5. The status code for Cackling Goose should be "OT"
  Yes or No    (Vote:  Yes 7 - 0 )

Your vote will automatically be sent by e-mail to the secretary of the Records Committee.