Records Committee
Review List Changes

Voting Ballot 
 Deadline --27 Dec 2024 

 Voter's   Name:  




 According to the new Bylaws section making exemptions for Species on the Review List a possibility, we are voting on the first proposals submitted under this new statute.  Here is a link to the Discussion of these proposals in case you'd like to review this discussion before you vote.


It has been proposed that the following exemptions be given for these species.

                            Species                Exemption                      
   1. Zone-tailed Hawk - Washington county 

   2. Acorn Woodpecker - Zion National Park and Kolob Terrace.
             3. Boreal Owl - Uinta Mnt.

             4. Ruddy Turnstone - Davis County

             5. Red Phalarope - Davis County.

             6. White-winged Crossbill - Northern Utah (Wasatch County and north)

             7. Hooded Oriole - Washington County.

             8. Costa's Hummingbird - Washington County




  If you have any Comments on the subject of "Exemptions"  please,  send them in.







  (Must be filled in before the vote can be submitted).

Your vote will be sent to the UBRC Secretary for compilation and the results will be reported when all the ballots are in.