Records Committee
Review List Changes
Mar 2021 - Results



Proposals to remove the following species from the Review List have been received. After the name of the bird is number of records accepted by the Committee.

 1. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker   (23 documented  in the last 10 years - 26 all time documented records)
  "Remove" or "Keep" on List  
    Keep - 5
    Remove - 4
 2. Northern Parula  (18 documented in the last 10 years - 31 all time documented records)
  "Remove" or "Keep" on List
    Keep - 4
    Remove - 5
 3. Tennessee Warbler  (14 documented in the last 10 years -  was put on the Review list in 2005)
  "Remove" or "Keep" on List  
    Keep - 7
    Remove - 2
 4. Thick-billed Longspur (14 documented in the last 10 years - 26 all time documented records)
  "Remove" or "Keep" on List 
    Keep - 4
    Remove - 5
 5. Black Scoter (11 documented in the last 10 years - 26 all time documented records)
  "Remove" or "Keep" on List 
    Keep - 3
    Remove - 6
Add  Species

It has been proposed that the following species be added to the Review List.

 6. Rusty Blackbird
Put "On" or keep "Off" of the Review List 
    On - 6
    Off - 3
 7. Least Flycatcher   (ID difficulty - was taken off of the Review List in 2019 with 16 accepted records
                                in 10 years and 10 more credible sighting that were not submitted)
Put "On" or keep "Off" of the Review List 
    On - 3
    Off - 6