Records Committee
Bylaws Proposals -   Results 
by Kris Purdy & Mark Stackhouse
Deadline is 18 Aug 2023


 Voter's Name:  



  Results of the Vote   


     25  Prop. #1 "1st round no and To 2nd votes must have comments."
     18  Prop. #2 -  "All votes must have comments".
     11  Prop. #3 -  "Bylaws should remain the same".

   (Point system:   3 points for 1st, 2 points for 2nd and 1 point for third choices).
Main Ideas:    
 Bylaws change for Section IV.C.:    (See Bylaws Section IV.C.)


Proposal 1:

I'd like to see the bylaws require comments when a voting member chooses to send a record to the second round with a 'To 2nd' vote.
Justification: Comments are not required at the present time, which has sometimes led to other committee members not knowing what to address in their second round vote comments to the person who chose the 'To 2nd' option.  The 'To 2nd' voter's concerns might be answered after seeing the first round voting comments, but there's no guarantee.     ~ Kris


Proposal 2:

 I’m in favor of the change, but echo Bryant’s thought - why don’t we just change it to require a comment on every vote, even affirmative? If it’s a no-brainer vote, then a simple “good documentation,” or something similar, would suffice. For more difficult records an explanation of even “accept” votes is helpful in future round discussions.   ~ Mark
Proposal #1:    



              Proposed Change  (Proposal #1)

The bylaws presently say this:

C. Voting and Acceptance Criteria
5. Comments. On the first circulation a "reject/no" vote must be supported by appropriate comments. Comments must be supplied for a re-circulation for either a "reject/no" or "accept/yes" vote.

I propose amending that line to this:

C. Voting and Acceptance Criteria
5. Comments. On the first circulation reject/no and To 2nd votes must be supported by appropriate comments. 'Appropriate' is defined as the specific concerns that justified not accepting the record or caused the voting member to want to discuss it without choosing a position in the first round. Comments must be supplied for a re-circulation for either a "reject/no" or "accept/yes" vote.


Proposal #2:    



              Proposed Change (Proposal #2)


C. Voting and Acceptance Criteria
5. Comments. On the first circulation a "reject/no" vote must be supported by appropriate comments. Comments must be supplied for a re-circulation for either a "reject/no" or "accept/yes" vote.

Change to:

C. Voting and Acceptance Criteria
5. Comments. All votes must be supported by appropriate comments.


Proposal #3:    



              Proposed Change (Proposal #3)


C. Voting and Acceptance Criteria
5. Comments. On the first circulation a "reject/no" vote must be supported by appropriate comments. Comments must be supplied for a re-circulation for either a "reject/no" or "accept/yes" vote.

No Change:





   Link to Committee Discussion (with Comments in order submitted)

Vote :