Records Committee
Bylaw Change Proposal
(20 Sep 2012)




These are the current bylaws concerned with voting.

In C. Voting and Acceptance Criteria,
10. Decisive and Non-decisive Votes.
   b. For Second Round votes to be decisive and stop the record from going to third round, at least seven of the nine Members must have voted and the results must be 5-2 (or higher – e.g., 5-3, 6-1, 6-2, 6-3, 7-0, 7-1, 7-2, 8-1, 9-0) or 2-5 (or lower – e.g., 3-5, 1-6, 2-6, 3-6, 0-7, 1-7, 2-7, 1-8, 0-9) for the vote to be decisive. If it is 4-3, 3-4, 4-4, 5-4, or 4-5, then the record goes to third round.
   c. Third round votes have to change a 4-3 or 3-4 second round vote for the vote to be decisive. At least seven of the nine Members must have voted and the results must be 5-2 (or higher – e.g., 5-3, 6-1, 6-2, 6-3, 7-0, 7-1, 7-2, 8-1, 9-0) for the vote to be accepted; or 2-5 (or lower – e.g., 3-5, 1-6, 2-6, 3-6, 0-7, 1-7, 2-7, 1-8, 0-9) for the vote to be rejected. If it stays at 4-3, 3-4, 4-4, 5-4, or 4-5, vote then it is considered rejected.

As you can see, these 2 paragraphs are cumbersome and ambiguous. Following are 3 proposals, hopefully, to simply the wording and remove any ambiguity.

Proposal 1 -

10. Decisive and Non-decisive Votes.
   b. For Second Round votes to be decisive and stop the record from going to a third round, at least seven of the nine Members must have voted. If seven or eight members have voted there can be no more than 2 dissenting votes, either to accept or reject a sighting, to be decisive. If all nine members have voted, there can be no more than 3 dissenting votes to be decisive.
   c. For Third Round votes to be decisive, at least seven of the nine Members must have voted. If seven or eight members have voted, more than 2 votes to not accept a record will reject the sighting. If all nine members have voted, more than 3 votes to not accept will reject the sighting.

Proposal 2 -

10. Decisive and Non-decisive Votes.
   b. For Second Round votes to be decisive and stop the record from going to a third round, at least seven of the nine Members must have voted. There can be no more than 2 dissenting votes, either to accept or reject a sighting, to be decisive.
   c. For Third Round votes to be decisive, at least seven of the nine Members must have voted; more than 2 votes to not accept will reject the sighting.
Proposal 3 - would be to leave the bylaws as they are.

In summary, Proposal 1 provides for a decisive vote to have a 3-vote (6-3 or 3-6) spread when 9 members vote, similar to a 3-point spread when 7 members vote (5-2 or 2-5). This seems to be more equitable than having a 5-point spread (7-2 or 2-7) when all 9 members vote. If only 8 members vote, a 6-2 or 2-6 vote is obviously more decisive than a 5-3 or 3-5 vote.

Proposal 2 simplifies the process by allowing only 2 dissenting votes on a sighting, regardless of whether 7, 8, or 9 members vote. This seems to place a sighting at a disadvantage when all 9 members vote, of accepting only 2 dissenting votes.

Proposal 3 is to keep the bylaws as at presently constituted, although the ambiguity would still exist. The “5-2 or higher, or 2-5 or higher,” infers a higher point spread, such as, 6-1, etc. But the 5-3 or 3-5 already in place is actually a smaller point spread


Please vote for either Proposals 1, 2, or 3; and please have your vote in by October 8. A simple majority will be necessary. In case of a tie of 2 proposals, the lowest of the 3 proposals will be eliminated and we’ll send out another vote. In case of a triplet-tie with each of the 3 proposals receiving 3 votes, we’ll punt the question to the next committee.

--Steve Carr, UBRC Secretary

Vote :

     Outcome:  Prop. 1:  4 votes
                                              Prop. 2:  4 votes
                                              Remain the same: 1 vote



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