Records Committee
Vote on Proposals
(21 Oct 2009)


Please make sure you select you name in the "Voter" black above, then vote on the following six items.  Before you click "Submit" make sure you fill in the "Date" black at the bottom.

Proposal 1:

Should we make our completed votes with comments available to the public automatically?  (Proposed by Kris Prudy)

Vote:   Yes - 3, No - 6

Proposal 2: 

The shifting standards for acceptance of records is an issue that needs addressing. I propose we adopt a standard similar to California. If there is not an actual specimen collected for the species then the record is given a letter indicating how the record was accepted. The following was copied and pasted directly from California's checklist.  (Proposed by Terry Sadler)

P - At least one record supported by identifiable photograph (100 species)
V - At least one record supported by identifiable videotape (21 species)
T - At least one record supported by identifiable taped vocalization (6 species)
S - Supported only by sight records (2 species).

Vote:   Accept - 8, Not - 1

Proposal 3:

 Should the Records Committee meet annually as per by-laws? 
 (Question by Lu Giddings)

Vote:   Yes - 5, No - 4

Proposal 4:

 Should Committee Members vote on records they submit? It is not uncommon for committee members in other states to recuse themselves when voting on records they have submitted. With our expanded committee, we could accommodate this were it incorporated into the by-laws.  (Question by Lu Giddings)

Vote:   Yes - 4, No - 5

Proposal 5:

  Add the Yellow-billed Cuckoo to the Review List.   (Proposed by Kris Prudy)
      Proposal details

Vote:   Yes - 7, No - 2