Records Committee
Vote on Proposals & Election
(2 Jun 2008)




     Link to the proposals with some discussion (PDF)
     Link to the Bylaws


Proposal #1:

by Rick Fridell:

Proposed change to bylaws, Section III D 1:

Recommended changes:

a. Voting Members will be elected to TWO year terms.
b. Voting Members of the Committee may be nominated for ADDITIONAL TERMS.
c. There shall be no limit to the number of TERMS that any one person may
serve on the Committee.
d. Three or four Members will be up for reselection or replacement each year.

Vote: 1 for, 6 against

Proposal #2: 

#2 by Kris Purdy

My proposal is this: eliminate item IV.C.11. from the bylaws. I believe that each record must be considered on its own merit and that first state records must not have to meet more stringent criteria than records of species seen in the state many times.
Vote: 4 for, 3 against

Proposal #3:

(Proposal #3 may not  be needed if Proposal #2 is accepted).

by David Wheeler

PROPOSAL: I would like to formally propose that we modify our voting form to allow us a choice to vote "accept--but record does not meet criteria to include on official list" (or some equivalent thereof).

Vote: 5 for, 2 against

Election of Secretary: Because Lu Giddings was the only nominee for Secretary, a vote may not be appropriate, however, it might be good to make sure everyone is satisfied with the process (knew is was going on and had an opportunity to nominate someone or comment on the process).  So please indicate whether you will "accept" Lu Giddings as the new Secretary or "want to "continue the process".
Vote: 7 accept